When I was younger, I journaled about anything and everything until I had stacks of notebooks and no more storage space. I imagined that at some point, I would be able to use this compulsion to write for something more useful than diaries full of thoughts that meant nothing to anyone but to me. As I look back upon those hours upon hours spent introspecting with pen and paper, I am absolutely certain they were a form of preparation for this blog.
When my husband asked me to start TeachwithJoy it was the right time. My father-in-law came up with the name and I absolutely loved the double meaning. I was enjoying homeschooling and teaching my kids (I still am), and there was a growing interest in home education in the Philippines. As a once-upon-a-time homeschool kid, a director of a homeschool program, and a homeschooling mother, parents would often come to me with questions like What is homeschooling? Where do you start? How do you do it? What do you teach? What do you use? and on and on. I didn’t mind answering these questions but I thought, why not write it all down…the stories, insights, lessons, and adventures?
At that juncture in my life I was nearly 10 years married with four children. I had so much to write about! But there had to be a purpose and reason to make it worthwhile. And so I decided to give readers a glimpse of what it is like to be married, raise children, and homeschool with Jesus Christ at the center. This isn’t a site about a perfect marriage or family. Marriage takes a lot of work, my children drive me crazy sometimes, and homeschooling doesn’t always go as planned. But there is God’s amazing grace in it all.
Of course I have to introduce you to the main “cast of characters.” The love of my life, Edric, with whom I am enjoying a never-ending honeymoon…
Elijah is our eldest son. He is a voracious reader, a gifted child, and way smarter than I am. It’s a wonder that he learns anything from me when I teach him. What blesses me most about Elijah is his love for the Lord and his good example as an older brother. His personality is very similar to Edric’s — big, big, big — passionate and intense. He is never bored. He keeps himself busy by doing origami, building superstructures with Magnatiles, reading his Bible or books (lots of them), and educating himself.
Next is dear Edan who is a very thoughtful son, a young gentleman. He is the type to bring me a glass of water just because he wants to serve me. He is also tender-hearted in his conscience. As a natural-born leader, he is able to bring people together and organise them to play games or participate in activities that he initiates. Highly visual, he is a keen observer of the world around him and has a unique capacity to make intelligent deductions based on what he sees.
Following after is Titus, our adventuresome tinkerer. He is always curious, always trying to figure out how things work. I think of him as our smiley son. He is a happy person and thinks very positively of himself. Titus doesn’t need much instruction from me because he learns things as he interacts with people and his environment. Someday he may travel the world, climb Mt. Everest, or launch himself to the moon. Sky’s the limit with this one. He doesn’t pay attention to obstacles when he wants to get something done. I suppose the appropriate word for him would be relentless. After three sons, God gave us a beautiful daughter, Tiana. She stole Edric’s heart away the minute she came into this world. It was a welcome change for me as I had spent nearly a decade trying to cope with all the testosterone around me. When she arrived, I got to buy ribbons and lace and little dresses. She is an intuitive, charming, and feminine girl.
Very recently, I gave birth to my fifth child, Catalina, another darling baby girl. I’m looking forward to getting to know her…
— Learn from my failures and triumphs, be encouraged, inspired, entertained, or sobered, but at the end of the day, I hope your visit becomes an encounter with Christ — who he is and what he can do in your own life and family. May the spotlight always remain on him!
Discover the joys of marriage, parenting and homeschooling with me…
Writing as life unfolds, Joy Mendoza
Photo credits to Chestknots and styling by Lifestyle by Feliz.
SEO by Filipino Motivational Speaker, Sean Si of SEO Hacker
Hi. 🙂 Just wanted to say you have a beautiful family, and that your words inspire me to know happiness by becoming closer to Jesus. 🙂 God bless you.
Thank you Lea! May you indeed grow closer to Him! God bless you, too!
Hi Joy,
I am still praying that I could teach in TMA school someday. As one of the Pioneers who has brought and taught Kindermusik in the Philippines and the first among the Kindermusik Educators who has taught Kindermusik Sign & Sing in our country. I don’t know if Pastor Peter remembers me, but i was the one who informed him that I teach Kindermusik in the Philippines, and even told Arjay (my husband) if only we don’t have school in Greenhills (CTEC preschool, Greenhills Music Studio, Suzuki Music Lesson) he will get me as teacher in your school, during the wake of the mom of Cecille Angping. Your mom indeed said that you all studied in our Music school (GMS) 🙂 Thanks and I Wish You and Your Family Well, Dang Arambulo
Hi Dang, the best person to get in touch with regarding CCF’s school would be Jojo Chan. She is the one overseeing the planning for the new school. 🙂 That is a different school from TMA. Maybe thats the one you were referring to? Here is her number 09175089825. If you are really interested, you can submit your resume to her and cc petertanchi@yahoo.com. Hope this helps.
Great! 🙂 Teacher Jojo was my Associate Educator in Kindermusik by CTEC with Ms. Dang, Greenhills before so I will just talk to her. Thank you so much Joy and I wish you and you family well 🙂 – Dang
Truly teaching is a gift from God, and God using my talent to empower parents to help them and to understand the different stages of development of a child and on how to stimulate the whole learning domains of the brain through music and movements. I want to thank God because of your heart to help families too, your dedication is so contagious! 😉
Hi Joy,
My husband and I were blessed to attend a parenting seminar by CCF where your parents spoke. We sure learned a lot from that seminar. I’m looking into the possibility of homeschooling my girls, one is almost 10 years old and the younger one just turned one year old. We are from Cebu City. Can you give me an advice as to how to go about with this? Thank you very much! God bless you and the ones you love.
P.S. you have a wonderful family!
Hi, Joy. I chanced upon one of your husband’s messages on youtube. I am not from CCF but your husband’s message hit me so hard that I said to myself I want a mentor like him. please let me know how to get in touch with him. thanks heaps.
Hi Nexter! Edric emailed you 🙂
Hi! I just want you to know that I’m really blessed with your blog. I always had doubts about being a mom myself so the idea always scared me but after reading your blog, I’m sold out. I’m only on my early 20s and I can’t wait to become a mom. I will definitely homeschool my future kids as well.
Btw, I really enjoy reading your blogs about Edan. I love how he wrote “Mommy did not believe me.” on his worksheet and when he confessed to opening the box with your unwrapped Christmas gifts for them. Your blog never fails to make me say “Awwww…” and make me cry. Your stories just melt my heart. Oh and the video of them reciting James 1:19 tugged at my heartstrings. Keep up the good work! GOD bless!
Thank you! It is encouraging to hear you say those things. Being a mom is really one of the most rewarding things a woman can be! I am glad you are looking forward to it:)
Hi Joy…Im from Butuan City and im so privileged to have attended the parenting seminar on video where your parents as well as you and your siblings were able to have shared your heart and ideas on the matter. Im a single parent and i am praying to raise the kind of family that is god-designed. Ive looked for your site and thank god i found this. hope to read more of your thoughts and testimonies. Thank you again and god bless you and your family 🙂
Thanks, Eden! God bless you!
Hi Joy…Im from Butuan City and im so privileged to have attended the parenting seminar on video where your parents as well as you and your siblings were able to have shared your heart and ideas on the matter. Im a single parent and i am praying to raise the kind of family that is god-designed. Ive looked for your site and thank god i found this. hope to read more of your thoughts and testimonies. Thank you again and god bless you and your family
sorry ms joy..pls delete my earlier (same) comment as well as this. thanks.
Hi Ms. Joy, I praise God for you and your whole family for all the wonderful encouragement you are sharing through this blog. I am really blessed. Eventhough I am still single, i am encouraged somehow to do my part of teaching to my nephews and niece.
Btw, you have amazing cutee little kids. I hope I could meet them in person, hehe. I am from CCF Malolos and sometimes, get to attend to CCF St. Francis. hope I could bump in to your kids in the near future. haha.
God bless you and your whole family. 🙂
Thank you Lorna! God bless you!
Hi, Ms. Joy! I am so blessed with your testimony. Thank you for sharing. By the way, my husband and I are thinking of the possibility to homeschool our son through TMAhomeschooling program. Is it possible even we’re here in Saudi Arabia?
Thanks and God bless you more.
Danny and Lannie
Definitely! Please contact tma at info@tmahomeschool.org, ani@tmahomeschool.org, espie@tmahomeschool.org. You can also call 633-5267 and look for espie (0917-800-8261) or ani (0917-800-8253).
Hi Lannie!Where do you stay in Saudi Arabia?We are currently homeschooling our kids here in Al khobar.
Hi Joy,
Haven’t read fully your blog though I am struck by this TMA homeschooling thingy. I sent a query email. Hope you can enlighten me as I want to try this up with my daughter. I just gave birth 4 months ago. I grew up being taught in a traditional schooling. I want to know if there is any difference between this and homeschooling. We are currently living and working in Saudi Arabia, will this be a hindrance?
You can homeschool anywhere! While you are a new mom, this is the best time to research about homeschooling. There are so many good sites online that will tell you about the benefits and the how-tos. With my babies, I started reading to them early. My eldest was read to at just a few months old and he has turned out to be a wonderful reader. The main difference between institutionalized education and home education is that you customize the learning experiences for your child. Because of the one is to one ratio between parent-teacher and child, your child has the advantage of immediate feedback, dialoguing with you, daily progress monitoring, and most importantly, a character and heart-based education. 🙂
thank you for your blog. i usually come and have a read on days when i wonder if we’re doing the right thing homeschooling our kids. we’re filipino chinese, based in sydney for now, and while we have a homeschool group, it’s nice to read a pinay’s thoughts on family, marriage, parenting and life. God bless you richly as you continue to encourage other moms on this journey.
God bless you, too, Anna!
Dear Joy,
I am Audrey from PlayMoolah, a small company founded at Stanford and based in Singapore. Our mission is to create fun games that allow children to learn about money together with their parents. We have just gone live (yay!) with our first product and we would very much like YOUR help in testing it!
Let me take a step back and tell you how PlayMoolah was born. My partner Min and I were students at Stanford in 2008, and arrived in the middle of a Financial Crisis. We noticed that many people made financial decisions in a way that reflected poor understanding of money itself, and passed on this information to their children, who were almost doomed to make the same mistakes. We therefore became determined to create a fun, engaging game for kids that would educate them on how, rather than being the “root of all evil”, money was a useful tool if used wisely. As we discovered early, children love learning things for themselves, and play is a natural and essential part of learning.
This is a very exciting point in our company’s history and for myself. This PlayMoolah journey has uncovered the truth about what money is for me and I hope we can aid the children we love in living and practicing the good values of money early on.
I’m really inspired by your blog and it has been lovely reading alongside you and your child’s journey, sharing the joy and laughter you have with your little ones. Will love to introduce you to try out our tool, where you get to bond and learn with your little ones, what more inculcate in them the value of money!
You can try PlayMoolah here: http://play.playmoolah.com/parents/sign_up
Learn more about us at: http://playmoolah.com/parents.php
Kindly let me know if you are interested, and if so, whether we could chat.
Thank you for your help!
Beautiful day ahead!
Hi Audrey, I signed up for a trial but I forgot that we will be out of town tomorrow. So I will try and get my oldest son, Elijah, to test out the program with whatever time we have left when we get back tomorrow.:) Looks very interesting! I think it is a great idea. Kids really need to learn about stewardship.:)
Hello po, I’m Danielle po, but they call me D.J. for short. I’m from TMA and Mom gave me permission to ask how you made your blog and if its safe. I want to make one too. Please help me…. Mama says to ask If I can have advice instead, because i sound like I’m drowning…. Please give me advice…
Hi Danielle! I did not set up my WordPress blog. Someone else did it for me:) but if you go to WordPress.com, you can find all kinds of assistance to help you set up a blog. If you something that is easier to use, you can try blogspot.com. WordPress can be technical. 🙂
Thank you po!
Hi Joy!
I’m 16 and I’ve been going to CCF St. Francis my whole life. You and your family are a big part of what continues to inspire me to continue living for God and becoming a better person. 🙂
Thanks Maggie! May God continue to use me to minister to others through writing. Our family is a product of God’s grace! May God bless you!
I can only say one word… you have a very beautiful family! .. (well, ok so its not a word) but it is true!
Hopefully, God will give us a little girl soon 🙂
Thanks Elizar! Keep praying! We really prayed for a girl and God finally gave us one!
I hope more mothers and wives read your blog! God’s presence really makes stories beautiful to tell! God bless you more, Joy! Your kids are so adorable, too! May your entire family experience more of God’s greatness 😀 Thank you for sharing with us lessons!
Thanks Lorraine!:) God bless you, too!
Love reading your blog! God bless you for sharing …
Thanks Emer 🙂
Hi, found your blog and was wondering if you have a homeschool group where kids can meet weekly or monthly. I’m also homeschooling my 6-year old 🙂 where are you from?
I’ve only read one post and this intro on your family, and I feel like I’ll be following this blog always. Leading your children to the Lord, parenting together and homeschooling are great topics to read about and I’m grateful for the inspiration. You have a beautiful family, Joy 🙂 May God keep you and your family always!
Hi, Joy! My name is Lacar, editor-in-chief of Celebrity Living. I want to invite you to write for our magazine. Kindly shoot me an email if you’re interested so we can discuss it in detail. 🙂
Hi Joy, I volunteer in NxtGen once in a while (when time permits) and at one time, Edan was in the same class I’m assisting. You have a great boy there, he was very well behaved and yeah, I noticed he loves art! He was very diligent in finishing his art work, couldn’t help noticing as compared to the rest of the kids in the class!
Praise God for your family’s serving hearts, may you continue to shine for Jesus! 🙂
Thanks Jac! I will tell him that to encourage him! 🙂 Praise God
Hello Joy!
Any feedback on the books? Would appreciate it. Thanks much.
My colleague sent me some info about GDC 2013 today. Noticed Peter Tan-Chi as one of the speakers and flood of memories filled me from 15 years ago. I’m a Korean but lived in Philippines for 16 years and now in Singapore for the last 10 years. Did a group project once with you in college and knew Paul little bit through mutual friends. Knew Edric too. You have a really beautiful family indeed! I also envy so much that you have 4 children. I’m now proud father of a son (7) and a daughter (4). Your words and your testimony is really moving and rings with what I go through a lot. Remembering you and your brother so full of hope and energy in my memories and now seeing the great ministries your family is doing really reminds me that being a good parent truly is the most important part of my life. I guess I’ll be following your adventures through your blog to get many great wisdom in the coming days. May the Lord bless and keep your family always.
Thank you! Praise God! 🙂
Hi, I just want to tell you how inspired and touched I was last sunday hearing your son, Elijah’s testimony. I pray that when I’ve kids of my own I can help him be like your Elijah, who loves God above all else. Really, really moved that a kid his age can be such a blessing and testimony. 🙂
All glory to God! Thank you:)
Hi! Just wanna know how can i get in touch with Edric. I wanted to join his dgroup sana if it’s still open. Btw, great message last sunday! Thanks and God bless!
Hi Dave, why don’t you email him. He doesn’t have a dgroup anymore, just a d12. But you can at least connect with him: edricmendoza@gmail.com 🙂
hi ms. joy. i watched the 700 club asia last night and i was so touched with your lifestory. it did not happen to me but there are angers in my heart that i could not easily forget. how i wish i have a forgiving heart like you. your story blessed me so much. thank you and may our GOOD LORD bless you more and your family.
You can have a heart that forgives when your heart belongs to God. The bible says we can forgive because we have been forgiven. May you discover true forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Thank you for your encouragement. All glory to God!
hello ms joy.i was so blessed with your testimony in 700 club asia.God bless you and your whole family
Praise God, Che! All glory to God!
hi ate JOY, I’m a 16yrs.old now. Im christian too, and like you in the young age I’m an innocent about relationship. not getting to that stage.. So it Got my attention about ur story, because of almost the same thing we have in life on being teen.. btw
I’m really inspired to your lifestory… last wednesday night at the700clubAsia
^^God Bless You And Your Family
Praise God, Lara. Stay pure and love God with all your heart. Let him have your heart and let him guard it. In God’s time, he will bring the one whom he will trust with your heart.
Hi Joy, I was so amazed when Elijah gave his testimony during Edric’s message at CCF. At such very young age, he’s so bold in declaring God’s Kingdom, praising God despite of what he’s going through. Indeed you have a wonderful family! Hope you and your family could visit us here in NZ. God bless you and your family always..
Praise God, Chit. God is good. Yes, it would be awesome to visit New Zealand! Someday…
Hi Joy! Janice Villanueva referred me to you. We’re doing the upcoming issue of Urban Mom magazine, and were hoping that you can write something for us. I know you’re on vacation (sowee!), but hope to hear from you soonest via e-mail. Thanks! 🙂 Jing Lejano
Hi Joy! Your blogsite is so awesome and great. I continually pray to you and to your family at all times. God bless you!
Thanks Chester! God bless you, too!
I’m inspired by your blogs! Continue touching the lives of other people. This is such a great reminder. Just out of curiosity, which church are you attending? 🙂
Hi Mavy, I go to ccf in st. Francis square. It’s across from megamall building a. 🙂
Hi Joy, I am a follower of your blog since November last year and I am giving effort on back-reading your older posts. I am a blogger too and love reading blogs but I am not into home-schooling or anything that has to do with children. I am not even a mom. I am more into developing myself to become God’s best. Anyway, I became a fan of your blog since I learned that you were a raped victim and a follower of Christ. I had a somewhat similar past and I am studying God’s word and determined in knowing Him more. An admission on my part, your blog is the first site I visit when I open my computer every day to check for updates, I do this after my quiet time and before I start doing my workloads.
You see, because of my past, I never had any relationship with opposite sex with the fear of rejection if they knew about my secret. I, myself, never believed that someone, even friends, can accept me and will not love me less because of it. I also have haphephobia (fear of touch) but only with opposite sex, though recently, I am learning not to cringe at least when shaking hands with strangers. I can now initiate hand shaking more if I am the one making amends. I had learned about God’s grace but seeing you happy and with a wonderful family serves as a living proof and testimony. I now dream of having my own family which I never did before. My fear for it had completely disappeared and I am filled with hope. My relationship with God was strengthened and I thank you so much. I will pray for you and your family always as a thank you gift from me. May you continue to be God’s ambassador.
PS: You may be asking why I am writing you a letter. My dgroup leader had asked us to thank all the people who had made a huge impact in strengthening our relationship with God and this letter serves as my assignment =). I planned on sending this letter on your email but I don’t have it so I posted it here. Hope you won’t mind.
Wow! I was so blessed to read your “letter” to me. Thank you for connecting with me and sharing with me about your own life. I pray that I can continue to be a blessing and may God faithfully heal the wounds you have experienced. You blessed me today!
Hi Mam Joy! It was a blessing meeting you for the previous days. Thank you for our new little and beautiful friend “Catalina”. She’s been so amazing and smashingly beautiful. You’ll definitely enjoy raising her alongwith your four beautiful children.
I just want to thank you for being such an inspiration to us (IMCU ladies). How you carried yourself manifested God’s glory. Your mere presence was a blessing. You brought this aura of positivity.
Our short, funny and interesting conversations ministered to me.
Thank you very much! God bless you and your amazing family!
Thanks Karla. It was so great to meet you, too. I’m still thinking about our conversation and I pray that God will guide you and your future 😉 It was such a blessing to get to know all of you and to have Catalina so wonderfully cared for. Thanks for playing Christian music in the background, too. I really appreciated that. Miss you gals! Hope to run into you soon.
And im sorry im off the topic forgive me pls..
Oh and you don’t need to call me “Mam” he he…
Hi ms.joy.. I would like to share with u the trial that ive been trough with hope that u could enlighten my
Heart and troubled mind..
Ive been looking for a way to get in touch with u or pastor peter personally because i think that talking to u or him would really help me.
5 mos ago i found out that my husband has been cheating on me. I didnt know about it, i thought he was a very faithful man.. 2 yrs ago he had a relationship with this Christian woman in his job, they broke up after a while, and when i got pregnant last year, he again had a relationship with another girl in his job and lasted for 8mos.(because i found out about it) both are married women,both with a child, both are older than him, the later was almost a decade older.. I cant explain how it broke me.. He said that he was just after the money and free meals that those women are giving him. He said that he’s just after those advantages and he just want to save money for us.. Ms.my husband is very loving,responsible and a good father. He works night shift and when he goes home in the morning he would go straight to the market and cook for me and his 2 children. He only has 5hrs sleep at most everyday because he sees to it that he plays with his kids and have time for our talks.
He washes the dishes,clothes, clean the house and feeds our kids.. I didnt know that theres another side of him that i didint know of..
If pain could kill, i would be dead the moment i found about his infidelity.. My world shatered. For me, i have the best family,with the best husband, two beautiful kids and Jesus Christ at the center of our family..
I thought that our family would be broken,but God has intervened.. God has shown His grace to His lost son trough me.. I didnt know what happened to me but it seemed that my hate and pain had disappeared for a while and i showed him forgiveness. He just couldnt stop crying and he said “bhe, mas mahal ako ni Lord kesa sayo..” and he cried his heart out feeling God’s forgiveness and grace.. I was also comforted..
The day after our talks, i met the girl.. We talked in a food chain. She looked so miserable. She has PCOS and alwas depressed. She said that her husband is a beater and that she loved my husband. She was obsessed with my husband ms. Joy.. She cried to me and begged for forgiveness. I dont what happened to me but maybe whats inside of me was coming out during those hard times and it is Jesus. So i said “iisipin mo muka akong tanga, pero mamaya mag sisimba kameng pamilya, gusto mo ba sumama?”
And that’s when she broke down.. She was an atheist, all her life shes bitter.. And she said, that when i told her to come with us in our church, she felt that it was Jesus telling her that God is there for her. Other girls are bullying her in their work because of what shes doing. They know that she’s crazy with a married man who just treats her like a yaya..
God lifted me up ms. Joy.. Spiritually i became closer to Him, and the people who knew about my story glirified Him.. They said that only a woman with faith can do what i did.. I befriended my husband’s ex and made her our youngest child’s godmother and even invited her in our house..
But sadly ms. Joy, the story didnt end there.. Bitterness is eating me up inside.. I became really bitter.. The devil has been feeding me with lies..
Everyday it gets harder. I would think of my husband having sex with those two older women, and hate would heat up.. 5mos had passed ms.joy.. But im still bitter and im really ashamed of my self.. I wanted to make a fb account and add their workmates and post there how wrongly my husband treated that woman and that how she doesnt want to let go of him during the time they were together.. I dont know what to do anymore.. Im battling with my urge to pull her down, or to forget about my self,my wounded heart and pride, and keep doing what God has started.. Im lost ms.joy.. And i hate my self.. Really REALLY HATE MY SELF FOR THINKING THIS WAY.. :(( i just think i need some spiritual adviced from someone whom God has made suffered from pain and burden a hundred times heavier than mine,..
Im sorry im off the topic forgive me pls..
Oh Anna thanks for sharing. What a story. I was blessed and amazed to hear about how you allowed God to work in your heart to forgive. That same power is available to you now to do the same again. Perhaps you need to write down all the ways you have been hurt and then pray about each one of the things your write down. Maybe you never completely dealt with the brokenness when you found out about the affairs. But wow, you have an amazing story that is supernatural! Only God could have done those things in your life — the forgiveness, reaching out to those women. It’s really begins with a choice, Anna. Forgive even if you don’t feel like it and that’s when you receive the grace to overcome the feelings. You would know this too because you did it before. Also, you need to remember that God causes all things to work together for your good because you love him. Every time you have a negative and angry thought, cast it out in Jesus’ name and focus on God’s promises to restore you and heal you. Read the psalms. They always comfort me when I am going through hard times. But I think you should both attend a marriage retreat too. It will help alot. 🙂
Be encouraged, God will make up to you for the years that the locusts have eaten… (Joel 2:25 NASB)
Hi ms joy. Thank for your rsponce!i really thank God because He did not allow me to do the things that i wanted to do out of bitterness.. “God said vengeance is mine” but i never asked Him to punish those women who really and deeply caused me pain.. Because God showed me how forgiving He is ttrough my husband.. Kung meron mang 1 tao na nakita ko sa mga mata ko na namatay at muling nabuhay, it was my husband ms.joy.. God comforted me trough my husband.. Di na po sya umiinom, naninigarilyo(i hope u understand tagalog po) always excited to go home after work, ni ayaw na po makipag kaibigan sa mga dati nyang kasamahan, pag break time lagi lang po sya naka ipod listening to pastor peter and pastor bong’s downloaded preachings and audio bible,. I always see him cry while praying, listening to Christian songs, attending Church or kahit tahimik lang sya na naiisip kung gaano sya minahal at pinatawad ng Dyos.. He hates the world now ms.joy,God showed him how bad this world is without Him and now, ayaw na po nya lumabas ng bahay kung d lang sa trabaho at sa Church.. His coworkers noticed it. Yong happiness ng asawa ko, na kay Lord nalang at sa pamilya namen,. Tinanggal na ni Lord ang iba pa. Kahit cp na mamahalin ayaw na nya! I didnt know it was possible ms joy for a man to change 100% but God showed me that it really is!only through Him! Ako pa ngayon ang pinapagalitan nya pag nagsasalita ng di maganda sa kapwa, and honestly never ko pa po sya nakaringgan ng di maganda sa kapwa since that drastic change that God made on him! Pati eating lifestyle namen binago ni Lord, ayaw na ng asawa ko ng softdrinks at noodles! His family are telling me na parang ibang tao na sya..
Ms.joy, before habang gabi gabi ko pinagdadasal sa Dyos na ilayo sa tukso ang asawa ko, di ko alam na lumalangoy na pala sya sa kasalanan. Pero soba man po ang sakit na naranasan Hi ms joy. Thank you for your responce. You said that my story was supernatural but i was filled with guilt and all i could think of now is how im failing.. 🙁 but i really thank God because He did not allow me to do the things that i wanted to do out of bitterness.. “God said vengeance is mine” but i never asked Him to punish those women who really and deeply caused me pain.. Because God showed me how forgiving He is tru my husband.. Kung meron mang 1 tao na nakita ko sa mga mata ko na namatay at muling nabuhay, it was my husband ms.joy.. God comforted me trough my husband.. Di na po sya umiinom, naninigarilyo(i hope u understand tagalog po) always excited to go home after work, ni ayaw na po makipag kaibigan sa mga dati nyang kasamahan, pag break time lagi lang po sya naka ipod listening to pastor peter and pastor bong’s downloaded preachings and audio bible,. I always see him cry while praying, listening to Christian songs, attending Church or kahit tahimik lang sya na naiisip kung gaano sya minahal at pinatawad ng Dyos.. He hates the world now ms.joy,God showed him how bad this world is without Him and now, ayaw na po nya lumabas ng bahay kung d lang sa trabaho at sa Church.. His coworkers noticed it. Yong happiness ng asawa ko, na kay Lord nalang at sa pamilya namen,. Tinanggal na ni Lord ang iba pa. Kahit cp na mamahalin ayaw na nya! I didnt know it was possible ms joy for a man to change 100% but God showed me that it really is!only through Him! Ako pa ngayon ang pinapagalitan nya pag nagsasalita ng di maganda sa kapwa, and honestly never ko pa po sya nakaringgan ng di maganda sa kapwa since that drastic change that God made him! Pati eating lifestyle namen binago ni Lord, ayaw na ng asawa ko ng softdrinks at noodles! His family are telling me na parang ibang tao na sya..
Ms.joy, before habang gabi gabi ko pinagdadasal sa Dyos na ilayo sa tukso ang asawa ko, di ko alam na lumalangoy na pala sya sa kasalanan. Pero sobra man po ang sakit na naranasan ko, bumawi si Lord saken,. Namatay na yong dati kong asawa.. I have now a perfect husband in Christ! God showed me how He can make all things possible to those who love Him..
Nagkausap kame ng huling nakarelasyon ng asawa ko ms.joy.. God said vengeance is Mine” thats why i never prayed for Him to punish those women, but when we talked after a month of not texting each other, i found out that she has a mayoma, and she needs to undergo an operation.. But she doesnt want to, because first, her son was also diagnosed na may sakit sa puso and undorgoing treatment na masyadong mahal. 2nd, di na nya kayang suportahan ang operasyon nya dahil mahal ang mga gamot ng bata,. And 3rd, according to the doctor, pag inoperahan sya, either gumaling sya ng tuluyan,or magalaw ang mayoma at bumalik,magiging cancer..
I dont want to think ms.joy that God is punishing her because God showed me how forgiving ang gracious He is through my husband.. But i guess there is really a big difference between a son(even how far hes gone astrayed) and an illegitimate..
This coming oct.25-26 we will be having an EGR in our church.. I will go miss joy.. With this woman whom my husband had a relationship with before.. And i pray that God would help me to forgive wholeheartedly and show to this woman His grace..
“in everything i say and do, let my life honor You, here i am, use me for Your glory”
Ms joy, ng bago ko pa lng nalaman yong tungkol sa asawa ko, everyday umiiyak ako,. But everyday God is bringing me comfort.. One of those is when He showed me your story in the 700 club.. I was really crying so hard while me and my husband are watching it in their internet site.. And i was thinking, eto lang ba ang kaya kong ibigay para sa Panginoon pero hirap na hirap pa ko?? Sobrang hiyang hiya ako sa sarili ko pag naiisip kita and to a very Faithful son of God like pastor peter and his family, God made you suffered.. Because of me, at sa lahat ng mga taong may mabigt na problema.. Gumagaan yon ms.joy.. Pag naiisip kita.. And how you greatly suffered and how God allowed it.. But look at you now! Youre an inspiration to me and to many others! How greatly i look up to you and your family especially pastor peter.. And to think im not even a member of your church i just watch ccf airing on tv every sunday and monday morning.. I thank God for your life ms. Joy.. Now i just realized.. I should thank God for allowing those things to happen in my life 🙂
Godbless you and your family..ko, bumawi si Lord saken,. Namatay na yong dati kong asawa.. I have now a perfect husband in Christ! God showed me how He can make all things possible to those who love Him..
Nagkausap kame ng huling nakarelasyon ng asawa ko ms.joy.. God said vengeance is Mine” thats why i never prayed for Him to punish those women, but when we talked after a month of not texting each other, i found out that she has a mayoma, and she needs to undergo an operation.. But she doesnt want to, because first, her son was diagnosed na may sakit sa puso and undorgoing treatment na masyadong mahal. 2nd, di na nya kayang suportahan ang operasyon nya dahil mahal ang mga gamot ng bata,. And 3rd, according to the doctor, pag inoperahan sya, either gumaling sya ng tuluyan,or magalaw ang mayoma at bumalik,magiging cancer..
I dont want to think ms.joy that God is punishing her because God showed me how forgiving ang gracious He is through my husband.. But i guess there is really a big difference between a son(even how far hes gone astrayed) and an illegitimate..
This coming oct.25-26 we will be having an EGR in our church.. I will go miss joy.. With this woman whom my husband had a relationship with before.. And i pray that God would help me to forgive wholeheartedly and show to this woman His grace..
“in everything i say and do, let my life honor You, here i am, use me for Your glory”
Ms joy, ng bago ko pa lng nalaman yong tungkol sa asawa ko, everyday umiiyak ako,. But everyday God is bringing me comfort.. One of those is when He showed me your story in the 700 club.. I was really crying so hard while me and my husband are watching it in their internet site.. And i was thinking, eto lang ba ang kaya kong ibigay para sa Panginoon pero hirap na hirap pa ko?? Sobrang hiyang hiya ako sa sarili ko pag naiisip kita and to a very Faithful son of God like pastor peter and his family, God made you suffered.. Because of me, at sa lahat ng mga taong may mabigt na problema.. Gumagaan yon ms.joy.. Pag naiisip kita.. And how you greatly suffered and how God allowed it.. But look at you now! Youre an inspiration to me and to many others! How greatly i look up to you and your family especially pastor peter.. And to think im not even a member of your church i just watch ccf airing on tv every sunday and monday morning.. I thank God for your life ms. Joy.. Now i just realized.. I should thank God for allowing those things to happen in my life 🙂
Godbless you and your family..
I dont know how to edit this anymore im using my mobile ang i coppied my texts in case my ma low-bat ako, but while scrolling down and editing may natype ako so i cut all the text and paste and thats what happend. Im sorry ms joy im searching for your site on my laptop but i cant see the readers comments in fullsite..
Hi ms joy. Thank for your rsponce!i really thank God because He did not allow me to do the things that i wanted to do out of bitterness.. “God said vengeance is mine” but i never asked Him to punish those women who really and deeply caused me pain.. Because God showed me how forgiving He is ttrough my husband.. Kung meron mang 1 tao na nakita ko sa mga mata ko na namatay at muling nabuhay, it was my husband ms.joy.. God comforted me trough my husband.. Di na po sya umiinom, naninigarilyo(i hope u understand tagalog po) always excited to go home after work, ni ayaw na po makipag kaibigan sa mga dati nyang kasamahan, pag break time lagi lang po sya naka ipod listening to pastor peter and pastor bong’s downloaded preachings and audio bible,. I always see him cry while praying, listening to Christian songs, attending Church or kahit tahimik lang sya na naiisip kung gaano sya minahal at pinatawad ng Dyos.. He hates the world now ms.joy,God showed him how bad this world is without Him and now, ayaw na po nya lumabas ng bahay kung d lang sa trabaho at sa Church.. His coworkers noticed it. Yong happiness ng asawa ko, na kay Lord nalang at sa pamilya namen,. Tinanggal na ni Lord ang iba pa. Kahit cp na mamahalin ayaw na nya! I didnt know it was possible ms joy for a man to change 100% but God showed me that it really is!only through Him! Ako pa ngayon ang pinapagalitan nya pag nagsasalita ng di maganda sa kapwa, and honestly never ko pa po sya nakaringgan ng di maganda sa kapwa since that drastic change that God made on him! Pati eating lifestyle namen binago ni Lord, ayaw na ng asawa ko ng softdrinks at noodles! His family are telling me na parang ibang tao na sya..
Ms.joy, before habang gabi gabi ko pinagdadasal sa Dyos na ilayo sa tukso ang asawa ko, di ko alam na lumalangoy na pala sya sa kasalanan. Pero sobra man po ang sakit na naranasan ko, bumawi si Lord saken,. Namatay na yong dati kong asawa.. I have now a perfect husband in Christ! God showed me how He can make all things possible to those who love Him..
Nagkausap kame ng huling nakarelasyon ng asawa ko ms.joy.. God said vengeance is Mine” thats why i never prayed for Him to punish those women, but when we talked after a month of not texting each other, i found out that she has a mayoma, and she needs to undergo an operation.. But she doesnt want to, because first, her son was also diagnosed na may sakit sa puso and undorgoing treatment na masyadong mahal. 2nd, di na nya kayang suportahan ang operasyon nya dahil mahal ang mga gamot ng bata,. And 3rd, according to the doctor, pag inoperahan sya, either gumaling sya ng tuluyan,or magalaw ang mayoma at bumalik,magiging cancer..
I dont want to think ms.joy that God is punishing her because God showed me how forgiving ang gracious He is through my husband.. But i guess there is really a big difference between a son(even how far hes gone astrayed) and an illegitimate..
This coming oct.25-26 we will be having an EGR in our church.. I will go miss joy.. With this woman whom my husband had a relationship with before.. And i pray that God would help me to forgive wholeheartedly and show to this woman His grace..
“in everything i say and do, let my life honor You, here i am, use me for Your glory”
Ms joy, ng bago ko pa lng nalaman yong tungkol sa asawa ko, everyday umiiyak ako,. But everyday God is bringing me comfort.. One of those is when He showed me your story in the 700 club.. I was really crying so hard while me and my husband are watching it in their internet site.. And i was thinking, eto lang ba ang kaya kong ibigay para sa Panginoon pero hirap na hirap pa ko?? Sobrang hiyang hiya ako sa sarili ko pag naiisip kita and si pastor peter who is a very Faithful son of God,and his family, God made you suffered.. and it is Because of me,! at sa lahat ng mga taong may mabigat na problema.. Kht gano kalaki ang problema ko Gumagaan yon ms.joy.. Pag naiisip kita.. And how you greatly suffered and how God allowed it.. But look at you now! Youre an inspiration to me and to many others! How greatly i look up to you and your family especially pastor peter.. And to think im not even a member of your church i just watch ccf airing on tv every sunday and monday morning.. I thank God for your life ms. Joy.. Now i just realized.. I should thank God for allowing those things to happen in my life 🙂
I hope you understand my tagalog po i can express my feelings better in tagalog.
Godbless you more and your family!
Hi ate Joy,
You’re such an inspiration. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your life to us readers. God bless you and your beautiful family. 🙂
Thanks Jennelyn, praise God!
Hi Ms. Joy,
I was moved by your life story, I’ve been a christian since a child and an active leader but some of the choices I made in life quite led me astray from what I know is right in God’s eyes. I’m really looking for a mentor and I would like to take the chance to ask if I can have you as the person I’ve been praying for. Or if you can give me any advice 🙂 though I’d rather not share my story here.
God bless you and your wonderful family 🙂
Hi Joy, I have read many stories but yours has been one of the most moving experiences I have ever encountered. Despite the odds, you are truly blessed.
It has reminded me that hope and faith will always guide you to the light.
May your life and that of your family continue to be filled with so much happiness 🙂
Hi Joy. Ur a beautiful couple with beautiful kids. This brings tears 2 my eyes. I wish i followed God’s design when i first entered a relationship. I would not hav suffered a lot through it. U r so blessed 2 hav loving Christian parents who loved u and instructed u in d way of the Lord as u were growing up.
Hi miss joy! your little baby girl catalina is soooooo cute. lalo na pag umiiyak. haha. I’m the intern from post ad who carry her while you were dancing! glad we have a photo together! God bless! btw, I’m sooooo shy yesterday and forgot to tell you how i love your testimony!!
Hello mrs. Mendoza…
I am really inspired by your story. thank u for sharing it to us. You have a very blessed family because you deserve it. Continue serving the Lord. I will share your story too to other people for them to know and understand how good our God is. Your life is a living testimony. God bless you and your family…
All glory to God! Thank you!
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