Finding Joy Amidst Trials

What is joy? We often equate joy with feelings of elation. And many times joy is this way, but it is also a sense of well-being, a profound peace that transcends understanding, the strength to smile when there is heartache and pain, and the choice to be thankful.

Yesterday, I was dealing with an emotional six year old. In her frustration over folding her blanket to put it away, she flung herself back on to her bed to sob, hoping that someone would notice her and extend some help. My initial feeling was to ignore her. This wasn’t the first thing I wanted to see or hear in the morning. Everyone in our household had to be downstairs to work-out together. The rest of my kids were dressed and running down the stairs to join their dad, who encouraged everyone to be ready to exercise at 6:30. My Catalina was not even trying. She was immovable in her distress, which I felt was very exaggerated and unnecessary.

Nevertheless, I felt God’s prodding to be gentle and patient with her, to let her know that I was there for her. Over a blanket? Why, Lord. Shouldn’t she just learn to deal with her emotions? I wasn’t in a rescuing mood.

she was, immovable and losing her peace over something so simple.


about how we will respond and react to the challenges that come our way.

Have you ever visited someone who has lost a loved one and left the place more comforted by their strength

3 thoughts on “Finding Joy Amidst Trials

  1. The article seems unfinished, incomplete. How did you resolve Catalina’s distress over a simple task? The reason for the distress over a task that I’m sure she has done numerous times in the past? I am interested in finding out how this was resolved because of my current situation.

    I have 2 motherless grand daughters, aged 11 and 8, who are quarantined in the Philippines while I am stuck in the States because of the pandemic. We face time almost daily and they seem to be okay, outwardly, but I worry that they are in some kind of emotional or psychological distress after being copped up for months now, with only a lola and a working dad with them. They were active, athletic kids before the quarantine. Reading and watching videos and doing cursory exercises have been their main daily activities since March.. When I ask them if they are okay, they say they are. But I can’t help but worry about their emotional and psychological state in these uncertain times.

    How do I elicit an honest response from them if they seem calm and un-distressed? Do I just wait until they throw a tantrum?

    Thank you for your time.

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