Last Friday, we took Elijah, Edan, and Titus to Ace Water Spa in Quezon City (Delmonte Avenue). For adults it costs P550 and for children below 4 ft. it is P250. There are stations for each type of hydro-massage. Jets of water target different parts of the body. They also have different herbal heated pools and an ice cold pool to jump in and out of. Personally, the heated pools are one of my favourite parts about the spa. They are going to be opening a new Ace Water Spa in Pasig, Pioneer area. I’m looking forward to visiting that one.

The boys had a lot of fun but I wouldn’t recommend it to kids who are too young because you will end up holding them the whole time and you won’t get to relax. Although they have lifeguards, I would still recommend just taking your older kids — kids who can actually swim.
We spent about 2 hours there. The spa allows you to stay for 4 hours, but after 2 we felt that we had maximized our stay. If you plan to take your family, be sure to bring your own towels, trunks (not board shorts) for the boys, and a tankini or swimsuit (not bikini) for girls. The jet pressure from the water is pretty strong so anything lose will bubble up or come off!
Ace Water Spa
399 Del Monte Avenue (near cor. Banaue St.)
SFDM, Quezon City
Ace Location Map
Telephone Numbers:
(02) 367.8040 to 41; (02) 367.8061 to 62; (02) 415.0164

We ended the morning with a lunch at Malcom’s Burgers in Bonifacio Global City. It only took us 8 minutes to get from Quezon Avenue to the Global City! No one was on Edsa last Friday.