I have four of a kind when it comes to personality types. And God uses each of my kids to teach me more about Himself, myself, people, purpose, life…
A few days ago, I bought cupcakes for my kids. I was hoping to have a bit of the red velvet flavoured cupcake I got. I didn’t want the whole thing, just a bitty-bite.
My sons are my competition for this flavour. But I don’t mind. Eating a whole cupcake is too much sugar for me.
Well, I took a miniscule portion of Elijah’s cupcake while he was finishing his meal. And when he was ready for his dessert, I asked if I could have another bite of it.
“Mom, you already took a bite.”
“Hey, I bought those!” I said jokingly.
“Yes, but Jesus provided for it,” was his wise reply.
Well, I was certainly out-witted by my 9 year old son. He was right, too. My entitlement mentality got the better of me. God does own everything…even the cupcakes I buy! (Elijah did let me have a bite anyway.)
Children may not be as experienced as parents are, but God can certainly put in them a heart of understanding and wisdom. I see this with my kids (especially the two older ones). Insights like Elijah expressed about God owning everything tells me that my kids are beginning to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. As a mom, I can’t even begin to explain how happy this makes me. If there is any reward for the time, effort, and energy I put into parenting and homeschooling, it is to see my kids really love and know God. This is the hope that makes it all worth it.
So I was delighted when my husband, Edric, told me that some nights ago, Elijah asked him if he could pray for him. “Dad, what are you doing?” he asked. Edric was working on our house budget, on Excel. “I’m creating a master file for all our expenses for building our house,” Edric explained. Elijah paused for a bit and said, “Can I pray for you, dad?”
When Edric narrated this moment to me, he shared how blessed he was by Elijah. Elijah prayed a very heartfelt prayer that went something like this… “Lord, thank you for letting us build our house. Please help us to use it for your glory. Please help us to have enough funds to build the house…”
His prayer was a beautiful reminder that God is building something much more important than our physical home. He is laying the foundation of faith in our kids. He is the builder and the completer – the most faithful, reliable, and trustworthy. Therefore, my hope is continually in God. I look to him as one presenting a mere five loaves and two fish because parenting often feels like I am “in over my head.” The humbling reality is that I am incapable of the commitment, patience, Christ-likeness and wisdom it requires. But God is my strong supporter and he NEVER disappoints.
“..Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” Isaiah 49:23b
“But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.” Psalm 33:18

Hi Joy!
I’m Cathy Prieto-Arro from Bulacan. Just want to express my gratitude to you for serving as an inspiration and courage to me. I am really admiring you as a Christian, a godly woman, wife and mother.
We are in a hospital right now, our youngest son Rousas Caleb was admitted. And when you are in a tough situation like this you will learn to trust God more. And I remember you since
Hi Joy!
I’m Cathy Prieto-Arro from Bulacan. Just want to express my gratitude to you for serving as an inspiration and courage to me. I am really admiring you as a Christian, a godly woman, wife and mother.
We are in a hospital right now, our youngest son Rousas Caleb was admitted. And when you are in a tough situation like this you will learn to trust God more. And I remember you since you always see the hands of God in every situation you are in. That’s what exactly we are contemplating right now what is the message of God why this happened. And we know that God is speaking to us about His sovereignty. We entrust everything to Him. To Him be the honor and glory forever. Again thank you so much. May you continue to be a blessing!
In the same faith.
Hi Cathy, how is your son? I hope he is better.