Homeschool Portfolio Idea

A friend of mine, Liza Berroya Salud, is a homeschooling mom of four kids. I admire her for giving her 100% in whatever she does. Whether it be homemaking, homeschooling, or ministry, she will do her best. And she is always radiant — a beautiful woman inside and out!

She is one of those moms who understands that homeschooling is so much more about character than academics. She wanted her kids to come up with a character “magazine” that they would put together for their most recent homeschool portfolio review. Each child was asked to contribute to a part of the magazine. When I saw it I thought it was a creative idea to teach and remember the character lessons they learned as a family. So I asked her if I could show what they did here. Thought it would be a good portfolio idea to share with others, especially those who are homeschooling a number of children. This is a great family project! Thank you, Liza!

13 thoughts on “Homeschool Portfolio Idea

  1. Hi Joy, so sorry to post this as a comment as it’s quite unrelated to your post but I have tweeted and messaged TMA on Facebook but have not received a reply as yet. I am very interested to home school my daughter (pre-school) and I was wondering if this was possible via TMA even if we are overseas. I was just worried about the logistics of it all but am very keen to enrol her. Please, would you be able to advise on this or if not, point me in the right direction on who to contact? Thanks so much 🙂

  2. Great job! A wise King once wrote,

    “29 Do you see people skilled in their work?
    They will work for kings, not for ordinary people.”
    (Proverbs 22:29,NCV)

    All for God’s glory! Keep up the good work!

  3. When tita Liza uploaded these… I was really amazed by how God’s grace will really help us use the gifts He gave us. I’m really excited to homeschool Gabe after his years at preschool but also anxious about all of the work it will bring for me (esp. as a solo mom). But as you, tita Liza and other moms do it, I get more motivated to let God qualify for the same purpose :’) GO MOMS! God bless you and your kids 😀

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