Time of My Life

What a day! It began at 5:30 am. Got ready for Max-on-the-Road: Courtship and Marriage 101 Seminar then jet off to CCF Eastwood City with Edric for the event. I was most blessed by three things:

1. Seeing our bible study group faithfully show up to facilitate other couples and singles.

2. Being witness to the Holy Spirit’s work in the hearts of those who came. For photos of the event: Facebook – Max-on-the Road Photos

3. Serving along-side my husband and hearing him say at the end of the day, “I’m so glad we’re in this together, hon. I’m so glad you are by my side.” Aw, shucks. I teared with that one. Plus, Mark Shultz’s “Time of My Life” song was playing in the background. If you’ve never heard it, it’s a beautiful song for couples. Okay, it’s cheesy sweet, but I love it. You have to listen to the song to appreciate it. The lyrics are great, but it’s the music that makes it tender. I heard this song years ago and it still makes me tear up. For me, serving the Lord together with Edric is like having the time of my life.

Mark Shultz – Time of My Life (Listen to it here)

Time of My Life by Mark Shultz

He packed his bags when he was just 18
To see a world he thought he’d never seen
But he knew when he met her
That she was the girl
He’d been waiting for

And each night they spent talking on the front porch swing
And like it came straight out of a movie scene
But one night she stepped out as the sun began to set
When she got to the porch she found a letter that read

You’re the only girl I’ll ever love
And I’d do anything not to give you up
If I could only stop the world
When you’re standing by my side
See I’m having the time of my life
Yes, I’m having the time of my life

The months went by it was their wedding day
A church on a hill wedding bells rang away
She looked like a princess
All dressed up in pearls
It was her proudest day

And he stood all alone in a darkened church hallway
He got down on his knees and he started to pray
He thanked the Lord for his family and the perfect bride
But he couldn’t hold back what he was feelin’ inside
And he said

She’s the only girl I’ll ever love
And I’d do anything not to give her up
If I could only stop the world
When she’s standing by my side
See, I’m having the time of my life
Yes, I’m having the time of my life

Forty years went by and she lived most of God’s plan
She stood alone in an attic, wedding dress in her hand
And she held an old letter written so long ago
But she’d never forget it
No matter how old

And as she turned to put the dress away
And pack up the years
He was standing in the doorway
With his eyes full of tears
And he held her

‘Cause you’re the only girl I’ll ever love
And I’d do anything not to give you up
If I could only stop the world
When you’re standing by my side
See I’m having the time of my life
Yes, I’m having the time of my life

7 thoughts on “Time of My Life

  1. Hi Joy! We had an amazing time and we felt incredibly blessed after. If you guys ever need more volunteers to help set up the place, registration, spreading the word, etc, my husband and I would be honored to help. We really think that this is a seminar that should reach as many people as possible. Thank you so much for doing this!

    1. Thank you Roceli! It was great meeting you in person. Thanks for coming and glad you were blessed! All glory to God!

  2. Hi Ms. Joy,

    We had a great time and we felt so blessed with this seminar 🙂 If you do decide to make a part 2, we would sign up again haha.

    Have you heard Mark Shultz’s song “Walking her home”? It’s also a nice song that makes me teary eyed hehe.

    God bless!


  3. 🙂 love the song!

    Hope we could invite u for a marriage or parenting seminar or something of the sort over here in Samar! *wishkolang hehehe 🙂

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