A Story Worth Sharing

I don’t know how many of you saw the airing of 700 Club’s feature “When Bad Things Happen to Good People” which came out Wednesday night on GMA News TV. But if you did see the segment, it might seem strange if I make no reference to it here. After all, this site has been so personal to me.

So, let me write this entry as someone considering two different readers. Some of your may know that I was a rape victim when I was 15, or you may be finding out for the first time. If you did not know this, here is the link to the feature that was done about me. Joy Tan-Chi: When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Some months ago, 700 Club Asia asked if they could interview me because they had heard about this story. After getting Edric’s go signal, I agreed to meet with them. This was the first time, in many years, that I had talked about what happened in such detail. I had done counseling for other women, my dad had shared about it from the pulpit, and I had given my testimony to church groups. However, the interview was quite emotional for me because I had to narrate and recall what happened chronologically, and I had the added challenge of expressing myself in Filipino. (I think I did a pretty good job with the Filipino, by God’s grace!)

I said yes to 700 Club Asia because I wanted everyone to know who Jesus is. He is real. He heals the wounded, the broken-hearted, the devastated. I came to him in my darkest hour — unable to understand what I had lost, but Jesus gave me his beautiful grace. (He did the same for my family and my two dear friends who were also a part of that frightening night). He gives that same grace to anyone who chooses to believe in him and follow him…grace to live again with joy, purpose, faith and hope.

In John 16:33 Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Somehow, I feel that this is a story that belongs to every person. We all understand human tragedy. We all know what it is like to feel sorrow, loss, disappointment, and pain. And while bad things may happen to good people, bad things don’t have to define who we become or who we choose to be. We can still choose to believe that God has a divine plan. We can still choose to love and forgive.

People said that I was courageous for sharing this story, but I must confess that I am NOT so brave. I haven’t felt this vulnerable and “exposed” in a long time. In fact, I couldn’t watch the 700 Club feature! (Edric and I will do so at some point, maybe next week…) A part of me did not feel like I needed to because I had seen the final script and I knew which parts of the interview they were going to include. I prayed instead that God’s name would be lifted high above the tragedy itself, that many would come to Jesus, that hurting people would be encouraged to trust in God’s goodness and forgive. My desire was that people would realize, “God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him.” (Romans 8:28) So when a good friend passed on to me the statistics after the show aired and my Facebook account was flooded with responses, I was rejoicing in the Lord. Thank you for using this story, Lord. It is not about me. It is about you.

Immediately following the night of February 7, 1995, my two friends and I didn’t know how God would redeem this tragedy. We made a decision, along with our families, to believe that God had a purpose and a reason for allowing something so horrifying. But we couldn’t see it then. So we clung to the truth about who God is — his sovereignty, goodness, love, and faithfulness.

Many years later, Ginny Owens wrote a song that captured how I felt during the aftermath, as I processed and came to terms with the reality of rape. The song is called, IF YOU WANT ME TO…

The pathway is broken
And the signs are unclear
And I don’t know the reason why You brought me here
But just because You love me the way that You do
I’m gonna walk through the valley
If You want me to

Cause I’m not who I was
When I took my first step
And I’m clinging to the promise You’re not through with me yet
so if all of these trials bring me closer to you
Then I will walk through the fire
If You want me to

It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that’s not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I’d never go alone

So when the whole world turns against me
And I’m all by myself
And I can’t hear You answer my cries for help
I’ll remember the suffering Your love put You through
And I will go through the valley if You want me to.

Sometimes, we can’t always understand the why, but if we understand the WHO, the why can wait. I didn’t know how God would use what happened. It seemed like a black hole in the timeline of my life when I was fifteen. But I remembered that God has an everlasting love for me — a love that was demonstrated at the cross through his son, Jesus, when he died for my sins and suffered for my sake. So I walked through that valley, a valley that felt exactly like Psalm 23 describes as “the valley of the shadow of death.” I thought I was going to die that night. But God let me live to proclaim victory in Him. The WHY came later for me.

I want to borrow the words of Joseph in Genesis 50:20, where he said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good…”

When I look back on my life, I have been the recipient of much good. How good the Lord has been! As for my two friends, who were also victimized, I remain in touch with them. They too would say the same thing. God has been good to all of us. We are happily married to wonderful, godly men. We are enjoying our children and the joys of parenting. We are serving God alongside our spouses.

God purposes to write each person’s life story. The question is, will we let him hold the pen? I am convinced that it is his authorship that makes a life beautiful. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, “the author and perfector of our faith,” we let him be the writer and the editor. (Hebrews 12:2) No matter how crooked or bent our way, no matter how ladden with hardship the journey is, if it begins and ends with God, we all have a story worth sharing.

113 thoughts on “A Story Worth Sharing

  1. Hi Joy!
    I’m attending CCF-SFS since 2004 and now handling my own ladies dgroup. You may not know me personally but I’d like to thank you for accepting my friend’s request on FB. in addition, we belong to one family and serve the same Almighty God. I’m so blessed after watching it in detail at 700 Club. I already heard about it but not so detailed as you have narrated it there…. You are so courageous enough to face it plus the support of your family. it was all because of God’s amazing grace.I was teary-eyed while watching it… Me and my husband were praying for you, for the whole family & tan-chi family.. You don’t know how blessed we are through your life and ministry. Keep on shining for JESUS!

  2. Dear Joy,

    Your story has been a blessing to those of us who know you at Tma.Truly our God is in control….He is Sovereign… even our pain,even our troubles….through it all HIS love is transforming us,perfecting us and completing us….Today,i just want you to know that you have been prayed for….May God bless you and keep you for all that you do in His name.Stay blessed:)

  3. Joy, no words can express how blessed I have been by you, along with the solid support of Edric and your family!

    Having accepted the difficult challenge of recounting the details of that painful evening could only mean that you were, once again, putting your whole trust in God’s love and wisdom. You’d allowed God to use what was bad to serve His divine plans and purposes. Thank you for showing us what it truly means to see how big our God is!

    May God’s amazing grace enable you to shine even more brightly and beautifully for our Lord Jesus Christ!

  4. I am not quite the believer of the bible I have been to 4 different religions living in different continents and I have experimented many spiritual practices I am sorry I am quite happy where I am now in terms of spirituality though. I was so moved by your story. I’ve been a victim of sexual abuse as well but what I like most about your story is the fact that you have come out of this as a survivor more than a victim and I believe this is all becoz of your strong faith in God. I admire your passion. You have a beautiful family, God bless your heart and your family. Please include me in your prayers and I do wish you all the best in your life and faith’s journey too. You are doing a very good job touching people’s lives I’ve heard so much about your dedication through facebook from my friend Michelle Solon. I wish you more power and I do hope more people will be inspired to be strong in moving forward whatever challenges they face in life. You are our hero! 😀

    1. Thank you Girlie. I pray that God will minister to you and help you to grow strong in him. God is our hero!

  5. Joy I’m just so blessed with your testimony, though I’ve known your story from afar, its very different when I heard you narrating and feeling those emotions behind your story, praising God for He is gracious, making the broken whole once again…..

  6. The CCF community is just here alongside all of you….Thank you all for the great work you are doing for God…Because of your entire family’s faith and obedience, we also get blessed.

  7. That was an undeniably tough time of your life, yet a very courageous one. You inspired all of us. Stand fast to the mandate that God has “called” you to do, for the One who calleth will equip, motivate, and inspire you to carry on. God bless Ms. Joy.

  8. Hi Ms. Joy,
    I am infinitely blessed to have seen that episode on 700 Club Asia. I was even moved to tears because right there and then, after your story and during the prayer time, I really felt God’s overwhelming presence. Since then, I resolved myself to really be committed to Him. With conviction. Also, Ms. Joy, I’m really inspired by how you raise your children and with how you show your love to your family. I pray that I will grow up to become just like you (and also find a man like your husband. He He). Also, your beauty, Ms. Joy, really shines through–just like in the Bible, when Moses was practically glowing after spending so much time with God.
    You are such an inspiration, Ms. Joy. Thank you so much for sharing your story

    1. Thank you, Jill. I’m so blessed by your encouragement. What you shared with me is the reason why I wanted to share my story. Thanks for reminding me that it was worth it. I’m so happy to know that God used the story somehow to minister to you. All Glory to Him!!!

  9. Hi Joy, thanks for sharing your story once again after all these years. Truly our God is awesome! Stay strong, stay focused. Your life’s witness is a blessing!

  10. Hi joy. Sometimes difficult things happen to us so that the glory and power of God can be revealed in and through us.I THAnks and Praise God in your life …for making you a Strong,Nice and beutiful person(the whole family of Tan-Chi)..You make a big impact in our homeschooling with my daughter (jana).We miss you (jana enjoyed her homeschooling since the first day you handle their preschool playgroup).and THANK YOU FOR BEING AN INSPIRATION TO ALL OF US!!!!-jerry,mimi and jana Mabito 🙂

  11. I had no idea you were the one my sister referred to when she narrated the story to me. Thank you for sharing. You don’t know how much of an encouragement you are to me and (I’m sure) to others, too. May God continue to bless your whole family!

  12. I watched your 700club ep in youtube. I really admired how you are able to heal and forgive those people who have violated you. Just a question, what happened to those bad guys? I know your family did not press charges but did they even get jailed? Was just thinking that if they didn’t, they were free to do the same things to other families and girls.

    1. Hi Agatha, my parents chose not to press charges because they wanted to spare me from the stress of it all. We had friends in military who offered to “take out” these people, but we left vengeance to the Lord. After a couple of years, a majority of the gang members were caught and they were disbanded. God delivers justice in his time.

      1. Thanks for inspiring us, Joy! I really like what you said that if we focus on the WHO, during bad seasons in our life, the WHY can come later on. I have been carrying for a couple of months the hurt from other people’s words and actions towards me, and have been mad and feeling vengeful on them. Your story really inspired me to just let go of everything and realized how I have been making the trivial offenses big in my heart. I have now refocused my eyes on Him and your story reminds me to have those eyes fixed on Him alone. Thank you!

  13. I don’t know what to say, Joy! In my mind, I also questioned why God let this horrifying thing happen to good people like you. But then again… you are right when you said:

    “Sometimes, we can’t always understand the why, but if we understand the WHO, the why can wait.”

    God is so evident in your life, Joy! It must be a traumatic experience way beyond words for you and your family. But you are a living testimony of God’s goodness and grace. Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. Hi Honney, my parents chose not to press charges because they wanted to spare me from the stress of it all. We had friends in military who offered to “take out” these people, but we left vengeance to the Lord. After a couple of years, a majority of the gang members were caught and they were disbanded. God delivers justice in his time.

  14. Hi Joy,
    I very inspiring story. I pray I can homeschool my son. With the countless obstacles “let thy will be done.
    By the way, our church has been wanting to get in touch with your father. I’m from Word for the World Makati. Our church is going on the same thing as CCF, church building. Is there any way we can email to him a letter of invitation? I hope, i really hope you’ll let me email the letter of invitation or set a meeting with him to explain the reason for inviting him. There is no other person in our hearts except your father.
    Hope to hear form you.
    Thank you so much.

    Janice Delos Reyes

    1. Hi Janice, you can get in touch with his assistant, Joan. My dad is out of the country right now. 🙂 Joan Tapar 0917-589-2680 Hope that helps…

  15. Hi Joy! I was truly blessed hearing your testimony. I am a believer for four years now and I am amazed by how God has turned all things out for your good. As you continue to empower and encourage a lot of women who had the same experience as u did. May His grace continue to abound and His faithfulness may all the more be evident in your life. May God continue to use you and your family to establish His new order in His kingdom. Truly His grace is sufficient for us for His power is made perfect in all our weakness. Through that we can boast that when we are nothing He can transform us and give us everything that we need… Hugs! God bless you more and more power to you and your ministry! 🙂

  16. I have first heard about your story from your dad -Pastor Peter, and have cried whenever i think about it (I can’t bear anyone doing something like that to a young girl). Can’t even bring myself to watch the 700 Club episode. But I have encouraged people to watch it. God really has given you a very very amazing grace. God’s healing is very tremendous. I pray I will be able to use your story to encourage a girl I just met but is now part of our family, who had been in a situation just like yours but in a different level (a family member did it to her). Thinking about it now, I pray earnestly that God will give me the right words and equip me so I can reach out to her (I don’t know if she had accepted Christ yet, but somebody shared the Gospel to her already). Thank you for sharing your story Joy, I know this will be one of the things God had given me to share to this very dear girl so she can be free from the horrors of the past and experience the healing only God can give. ♥♥♥

    1. I really hope it will help your friend. That’s why I shared my story, for people like that to experience God.

  17. Hey, Joy!

    I remember hearing about what happened for the very first time back when we used to worship at Valle Verde (remember those days?). Even if I was just a tween then (Candy and I are the same age), I remember walking away from that Sunday service feeling so humbled, blessed, and in awe of your bravery and faithfulness. I just knew that God would work wonders and miracles in your life and that He would be glorified because of this experience.

    Looking at you and your family now, years after this happened, I continue to marvel at His faithfulness and grace in your life. Indeed, He has made you stronger and a blessing to so many.

    May the Lord continue to bless the work of your hands, head, and heart, and family, and may you be completely healed from this.

    Ultimately, thank you for recounting your story so that others might be encouraged and blessed. I am definitely one of them. 🙂

  18. Hi Joy, I’ve heard what happened to you in one of Pastor Peter’s messages but hearing it from you and seeing it on TV was a whole different thing… I cried watching your testimony and I thanked God for keeping you, your family and friends safe despite what happened. Thank you for being strong enough to share what had happened to you. God made you whole again and you help others be whole again because of your strength and undying faith in God. Thank you and Praise God for you and your family!

  19. Hi Ms. Joy,

    All of us are very much inspired with your testimony. It gives me the desire to re-unite again with the Lord and to offer to Him my life. You are our inspiration. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  20. Hi Ms. Joy,

    All of us are very much inspired with your testimony. It gives me the desire to re-unite again with the Lord and to offer to Him my life. You are our inspiration. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

    1. That’s great! Listen to his voice. May you experience the joys of following him. It is truly the abundant life…

  21. You’re such an inspiration. Thank you for being so open. Watching the video was extremely heart wrenching. Your life is such a testimony to God’s faithfulness, grace and love.

  22. Hi Joy, I cried when i watched the 700 Club & informed my friends to watch it too 🙂
    Its a Powerful Testament on How God Turns Tragedy into Triumph. Your testimony can help more Women Victims of all forms of Sexual Abuses Survivors
    namely Human Trafficking / Rapes / Incest / Pedophilia in the Healing Process & Encouragement.
    another avenue is http://www.rainn.org (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) provides a great help too.. Victims doesn’t have to further Suffer in Silence.. for they are not Alone, there are so many willing to help. God is weaving a Beautiful Tapestry when he promised in Isaiah 61:1-4 , In verse 2-4 says …To comfort all who Mourn, v3 To Grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a Garland instead of ashes, the Oil of Gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of Praise instead of a Spirit of Fainting, so they will be called oaks of Righteousness, The Planting of the Lord that He may be Glorified. They will REBUILD the ancient ruins, they will RAISE UP the former devastations, & they will REPAIR the Ruined Cities, the Desolations of many Generations.. I pray God would use your Testimony Ripple Worldwide to Comfort & Help Women realize that God Can Restore them as Good as New.. As he did w/ you 🙂 Praise God!

    1. Thank you, Lulu! I went to website a while back but thanks for reminding me about it. God is indeed good. All glory to him! He restores us and redeems us.

  23. Thank you for your testimony Joy. I was also abused many times in my life, and I choose to believe God through it all.

    But I want to ask you about your decision not to press charges. Is this God’s will for Christians? How about the question of justice so that criminals will not be able to do to others their crime? Isn’t justice part of God’s plan in the Bible too? Didn’t God set rules for punishment and retribution especially in the law? It’s just my question…does God really want Christians not to use the law when it comes to crime?

    I hope you don’t mind my question. God bless you and your family!

    1. Hi Lolita,
      I’m sorry to hear that you were abused. But I admire you for your choice to believe God despite what you went through. Our family decided not to press charges because my family didn’t want me to go through all that. However, we prayed for justice and after a few years the gang was caught and disbanded. My parents had friends in the military who offered to “take out” the people, but of course, being christians, that was not the route we wanted to take. But God is sovereign and his justice prevailed. He was our avenger.

  24. Hi Joy!

    It’s also my first time to know about the story in detail. I got to hear bits of it from CCF worship services and references of forgiveness from our common friends (CCF seems so huge, but is definitely a closely-knit community).

    Your life has truly been such a great blessing to me! God has used this story and your encounters with Him in your blogs to really touch so many lives. God’s love, power, and grace can clearly be seen in your life! Your humility, honestly, courageousness, and heart for others make you such a beautiful woman both inside and out.
    Your story and the song really made me cry. If we choose to obey God and trust in His character, He truly turns our sorrows and pains around into something wonderful!

    May God continue to bless you and your family beyond your wildest imagination! You and your family are always in our prayers!

  25. Hi Joy…this was the first time that I heard your story in details and it bless me all the more because I have seen how good God is in your life and I know it will more people.

  26. Hi, Joy!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story–it reminded me so much of God’s grace and how all of us need His healing. I’ve been in a dark place for a long time, and I’ve always felt lost. There are times when it’s seems so hard to trust God, but your story was just a blessing. I couldn’t have imagined how hard it is for you to share it, but thank you so much for doing so. May you continue to be a conduit a blessing to others.


    1. Praise God, Myra. We all go through trials. I am blessed to have learned from others who have also gone before me through their dark times

  27. Hi, Joy!

    Got a chance to watch your 700 Club testimony on youtube tonight. While I’d heard before about what had happened to you , it was different hearing you recount that horrific experience yourself. I was moved to tears. I cannot imagine how anyone can commit such violence.

    Your response to what had happened and the response of your family is truly admirable. You are right, God is sovereign. Whatever He allows to happen always has a purpose. And He is a good God who can be trusted.

    Thank you for sharing your story. God bless you. I hope to see you around soon. 🙂

  28. ma’am Joy… your testimony is really a great help for us to realized that ‘all things work together for good’, that God has a wonderful purpose and way of showing His great works… and for us to glorify HIS Holy Name…

    God bless you and your Family more and more…

    hope you can share your email to me… because i want to help a close friend to handle a situation or experienced as yours…

    thank you very much…

  29. Hi Miss Joy,

    Your site was just recommended to me. Indeed your life is a testimony worth getting courage from! God bless you and your ministry Miss Joy, pray blessing of courage, wisdom, compassion and boldness and to your readers like me (following you i think after this).. encouragement, enlightenment to share the gospel also as it changed our lives, and boldness to show and live a life in full knowledge that our God fights the battle for us and has already won.

    Thank you!

      1. Dear Joy,

        God speaks to us in various ways. And one of them is by leading us to someone. I believe God has spoken to me through the testimonies of your dad and yours.

        Recently, a friend of mine posted on the Facebook some testimonies shared by a couple of members from CCF. To my curiosity, I would like to know more about CCF because a lot of people are talking about it. So, I dug into the vision and mission of CCF, its senior pastor and the testimonies. Then, I came across your testimonies regarding “Building Positive Relationship” and “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?”, and your dad’s, “Choosing to Forgive”. While I was watching and reading, respectively, the two latter testimonies, I was weeping. But I thank you and your dad so much for encouraging us to keep TRUSTING GOD despite our circumstances, and reminding us Romans 8:28 (And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.) all the time. Your testimony has greatly impacted my life for me to keep living for God’s purpose and to keep focusing on Him (His Word) in every situation.

        God has given beauty for ashes. (Isaiah 61:3). God has blessed you a beautiful family (a God-fearing husband and 4 wonderful children). And He has made CCF grow so much.

        Thank you so much, Joy, for sharing your testimonies and your blog (Teach With Joy). Thanks to your dad, too. Both of you have encouraged me to live for Jesus Christ each day.

        In Christ,

        1. God bless you, your family and your ministry as you bless the people in the world through your testimonies. Thank you for being a blessing.

          I will bless those who bless you, (Genesis 12:3)

        2. Blessed is the one you discipline, Lord,
          the one you teach from your law;
          you grant them relief from days of trouble,
          till a pit is dug for the wicked. (Psalm 94:12-13)

  30. Hi Joy,

    I would like to share to you my Facebook account in which I use it as God’s ministry. And I hope we can be friends on Facebook as we share God’s Word to build up one another.

    Phileo and Shalom,

    1. Okay, I will check out my friend requests. They are piling up and sometimes, I delay going through them. Have a blessed day:)

  31. Hi Joy,

    This is my first visit on your blog and I think from the articles I’ve scanned so far, all of this is just amazing. Now, I’m not a Mom – I’m just a 24 yr old who’s still trying to figure her life out while trying not to be beaten to submission by feelings of desolation and listlessness that I’ll never amount to anything. A family member gave me a link to this article after telling me your story and I can’t help but try to reach you in some way because every story of triumph and faith always gives me hope.

    I’ve been job hunting since January with no luck and the lack of anything to do or what to do for money eats at me everyday. I’m not the usual reader of your blog, but I admire your faith and spirit. God bless.

    1. Thanks for opening up to me Irene. Don’t give in to the lie that you won’t amount to anything. God has a special plan and purpose for your life. The secret is to seek him with all your heart and let him be the one to guide you. We all go through seasons — some amazing and some that are awful and depressing, but everything is for a reason and purpose. Don’t give up hope. What are your gifts, talents and passions? Is the job you are looking for in line with these?

  32. Dear Joy,

    Hi. I thank God for the conviction and faith he gave you to share the trauma of your rape on The 700 Club Asia. The Lord enabled you to express yourself with dignity, grace and sincerity. The show was our highest rating for the week, drawing in 110,000 televiewers in Metromanila alone. We have a total potential nationwide audience of 700,000 viewers, but no statistics for viewership outside Metromanila.. The show was also telecast on our website and the GMA Life TV international cable network, and may have been viewed by millions globally.

    The best news is that 445 local viewers called in to say that they prayed to receive Jesus during the show. But far more viewers, specially those who live abroad, just trust in Christ but dont call us. By the way, over half of our audience are Catholics, with more women than men.

    Christ must have also used your testimony to comfort and encourage our OFW’s, who comprise a large part of our audience abroad. Quite a number are victims of rape and abuse, specially in the Middle East. Now they know, from your experience, that there is life after rape. Jesus is there to bind their wounds, heal them, give them the grace to go on.

    But the reason I write you today is to share still another blessing. I learned yesterday that your testimony won the Best Original Testimony award at the Excellence in Media Competition held by CBN International in Virginia Beach U.S.A. (The 700 Club headquarters). All countries producing The 700 Club programs are among the media entities who join this contest. We thank God for this honor. Truly He works all things to the good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose. He has given you beauty for ashes and used your pain and brokenness to make so many whole. All glory to our Savior.

    Love in Christ,
    Nena Benigno
    700 Club Asia/CBN-Asia writer-editor
    CCFer for as long as I can remember

    1. Wow, praise God! What an honor indeed! It’s amazing how God uses the worst things in our lives and turns them into some of the best blessings we could ever imagine. Thank you for the opportunity to be a testimony for Christ. May God continue to bless your wonderful ministry. 🙂

  33. Yesterday my friend shared to me a link, she told me “lalo kitang naalala sa episode na yan” when i open the link this episode came up, i was crying while watching the whole episode, kasi naalala ko yung nangyari sa akin, i’m also a victim of sexual abuse, for 16years tinago ko po sa sarili ko lang, 5 years ago nakilala ko si Jesus and 5 years ago naging free na ako from this bondage, but i never share this story to my family, i’m so scared na masaktan sila sa nangyari sa akin, na hindi nila ito nalaman, but i’m still praying that one day, i will share this to them and they will see the goodness and faithfulness of God.

    Thank you for encouraging me, that my story is also worth to share.. Thank you Ms. Joy..God bless you:)

  34. Hi Joy!

    I admire your strength and your faith in God. I easily break in times of turmoil.Yes, bad things happen to good people. Your testimony has increased my faith and has given me more clarity. It stirred the greater peace in my heart. I am very confident that no matter what happens God will always be there for us. I am sure that you have helped a lot of other people too. God bless you and your family. All the best!

  35. Yes, I agree… we all have a story worth sharing because we chose to give our lives to Jesus, the Author & Perfecter of our faith. I have a blog but I rarely use it… I am actually amazed how you are able to find the time to write so many articles in your blog. I can somehow relate to your story but the only difference would be that the abuse was done by a family member (I can’t even specify who) for many years when I was still a child. I have been healed by the Lord throughout the years, God used my godly husband to help me overcome the trauma. I am not able to share openly like you can, simply because I want to protect the person who did it to me. If I share it openly, it will bring shame to the abuser & my family. I personally don’t mind because God has delivered me from it & I have some selected people whom I have shared my story just so they could see that any offense can be forgiven by the grace of God. And that God can use & restore anyone however ugly our past may be. Yes, all of us has a story to tell & it all points to Jesus. May the Lord give us all the grace to run this race with faith & perseverance till we see Jesus face to face.

    1. Wow, thanks for sharing with me something so personal. I know someone that has a similar story to yours and I think it is much harder when the abuse is done by a family member. The trauma is worse because its supposed to be someone you trust. I am so blessed to hear how God has worked in your life. I believe healing comes every year that we walk with the Lord. May your story point others to Jesus too!

  36. Hello, Joy, 🙂

    I’m attending CCF-CDO and I just want you to know that I’m praying for everyone in your family and CCF. My life has been changed ever since I understood God’s salvation through one of the Sunday Services in CCF and have grown so much by God’s Grace especially with the ParenTEEN and Winning Disciplines Seminars recently.
    You don’t know how much I have been blessed by your life. I praise God for You nd you family always!

  37. Good day Mrs. Joy, 🙂
    Your story has inspired our humble church in Coron greatly. Praising and giving God glory for turning horrible things that has happened in our lives as a testimony of His grace and mercy… It really broke my heart on how you shared about how God dealt with your father, being His servant and all. Especially when God told him, “Are you still willing to trust Me with your children?” I’d like to know if there are any blogs or videos about your dad’s response on what happened to you. I believe God will really use it to speak more to His servants who are also going through the same thing he went through. Thank you so much. May the Lord continue to be glorified in your life.

    1. Hi Von, Praise God! To answer your question, 700 club will be airing a longer version this Holy Week that shows how my parents processed what happen from a spiritual perspective. Not sure what the exact date is yet but I can always put a link on my site after it is aired.

  38. All I see is GOD’S beautiful amazing GRACE and how great your knowledge and faith to the ONE who loved us no matter what, JESUS. As I read your love story I was inspired and feel blessed knowing that JESUS is at the Center… Hope to be your friend po. ^___^ #Shalom

  39. Hi Joy,

    I just watched your life story in GMA7’s 700 club holy week presentation. I must say that You are an inspiration. The way you handled what happened to you was really exceptional. May God continue to bless each one of us and share his glory.

  40. I saw a re-run of your testimony in 700 Club last night and your story of faith made me re-read certain pages of My Utmost for His Highest, my devotional, where the story of Abraham’s purified faith is discussed. Your sharing made me look deeper into my relationship with God and made me realize what surrendering to His love really means. Thank you very much for writing this piece and yes, your story of faith glorifies God to me and to countless others.

  41. Hi Joy. This is my first time to read your blog. After watching your story through the link in the article I just really wanted to comment. Good job. You exhibited great strength through that experience and so did your parents. Maybe in one way or another, it may have been a bigger question to them then or a bigger challenge to their faith then than to you since they have always served the Lord and were even way for a Bible study. But God gives the amount of grace you need in every particular situation. However, I still wanna say good job for trusting God through it all. It is through not-so-ordinary experiences and I would say responses like these where God’s power really shine. Nothing natural could have sustained you and your family then. And nothing natural could have turned the whole thing upside down and even turned it for your good. Thank you for sharing your story. It has been an inspiration.

  42. I need help…. Where can i get counseling. I tried to kill myself several times co i can no longer handle what im going through. Its been 2 years and i feel like its just yesterday.

  43. Hi Joy,

    I’ve seen you a couple of times at the pulpit. And it has always been a delight to hear you speak. You never failed to make me smile and laugh every single time. I really never expected that the you were the raped daughter of the Tan-chis. God is good. His peace and His grace is so amazing.
    I haven’t watched your testimony yet but after reading this post, the presence of God just fell on me and i started crying and praying. God gives the toughest battles to His toughest soldiers and He will not let us be tried beyond what we cannot bear (1 Cor 10:13). You remind me so much of Job and how God saw that he was so faithful that He allowed Satan to test him. I can imagine the same scenario in heaven on that fateful night. And I believe God is looking down on you right now with a huge smile on His face saying, “Well done, Joy!”
    May your testimony touch more lives. You are an inspiration. I thank God for your life.

  44. Hi Ms. Joy.

    I was not able to watch that episode in 700 club but i did able to see you as guest few months ago in Real Talk (replay episode at 5:00 AM) of CNN Philippines Your recollection there in the show was not as detailed as you probably did in the 700 club but you have echoed such blessing to me. You are one tough lady. After watching that episode, I said I will google youand there i found this website. Thanks Ms. Joy for being such a blessing to your readers. God bless you and your family.

  45. Hi!
    I am here because I wanted to know or rather get insight on how you and your family went through “healing” after what happened. I wanted to know because I want to apply it in my life and family as well. You see my 3 year old son was subjected to child abuse by his yaya & as a mom, I find it hard and painful to accept. Me and my hussband are both serving the Lord and just like your dad, Ptr. Peter, I find myself asking & demanding an answer because I could not understand why He allowed it to happen. I am in so much pain right now. Despite all this pain I choose to believe still that He has a purpose.

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