Three Times A Charm in Bataan

It was our third visit to Bataan but this one was especially fun for the family. First, we got to serve together. The older kids joined Edric on the morning talk he gave to government workers and their families. 

Then Edric and I spoke on marriage and relationships afterwards.

We were also privileged to spend time with Mayor Joet Garcia and his wife, Isabel. It was a pleasure getting to know them and witnessing the work they are doing for the city. They are public servants who truly care about bettering life for the people of Balanga. It’s always refreshing to see good governance in action by people who are God-fearing.(null)

It was our first time to stay in The Plaza Hotel, a beautiful new hotel in the city center, overlooking the square. (null)




Early morning on Valentine’s Day we joined the Love Run to practice for our 21K run the next weekend. Running past open fields was a wonderful first for me. Incidentally, they awarded us Mr. and Ms. Love Run. I think there were more deserving others but we didn’t mind celebrating with a kiss. 

The highlight for the kids was our time in Montemar Beach Club, courtesy of our church friends, Henry and Riza Morales. Our children love sand and water! It was a relaxing way to spend our Valentine’s Weekend. 

This trip was intented to be for ministry, to serve the people in Balanga, alongside our church, Christ’s Commission Fellowship. However, we were the ones who came away blessed and spoiled by the generosity and company of Mayor Joet and Isabel, and the CCF community! (Not to mention 5 pounds heavier from all the food we feasted on!)(null)




9 thoughts on “Three Times A Charm in Bataan

  1. hi joy! thanks for inspiring me. hope to have a one big and happy family, serving the Lord our God. Continue to inspire everyone. May you and your family be blessed always!

    ps. pls. include me in your prayers, i’m about to delivery a baby girl this march (next month).. we are praying to have a safe and normal delivery! hope she’ll be like your children who are always inspiring other people and families as well. ^_^ God bless!

  2. Hi Joy & Edric,
    Thank you for your sharing during the “It’s not complicated” event of CCF Singles, although me and my husband attended that event (and we’re not singles anymore, hehe). It was always inspiring to read your blog and watch Edric on TV but that event was really awesome! Thank you for sharing your love testimonies. We were truly inspired and blessed to have heard and seen you in person! Thank you so much! God bless you more and your wonderful family!

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