I should’ve published this earlier but just got around to it this evening…
In our home we don’t make Santa a part of our Christmas celebrations. Our kids don’t believe in Santa. Some people will shoot me for saying this. I know that Santa Claus is a huge part of Christmas for a majority of families. Personally, we don’t want our kids to buy into a fallacy and get really disappointed in the future when they realise that he doesn’t exist.
We aren’t anti-Santa like he is some sort of Satanic figure. (Same letters in Santa also spell Satan?!) If families want to make Santa Claus a part of their Christmas tradition, that’s their call. He’s a cute, cuddly man in a red suit who loves children.
But if you would like to know why we don’t encourage our kids to believe in him, then read on…
1. He isn’t real. I already said that right? We also don’t celebrate Easter by glorifying the Easter Bunny.
2. Since he isn’t real, it’s lying to say he is.
3. How long will you have to defend Santa if he isn’t real?
4. We treat Santa like we would any other character that is just “pretend.” The kids know that he is a part of Christmas celebrations around the world (not ours) but they think of him like they would ginger bread houses, elves, and flying reindeers. It’s all pretend. Our kids are pretty logical, too. How can one man be in a billion places at one time unless he has divine powers?
I wrote this short article as a response to a question that a reader asked me about Santa. Personally, I believe there are some things worth dying for and there are other things that are subject to debate. Whether it is wrong or right to include Santa Claus in Christmas traditions is something I will leave for the theologists out there to determine. After all, we could question other things…like what about Christmas trees? What about gift giving? We aren’t extremists.
So our conclusion…Santa Claus is a nice guy but in our home, it is our personal conviction that raising our children to believe in him and his magical powers would mean we would have to deceive our kids. More importantly, we don’t want Santa Claus to have center stage or to eclipse the central figure of Christmas in our home — Jesus Christ.
Hi Joy! My husband once told me that the devil will use all means necessary just to get us farther from the truth – believing in Santa, no matter how harmless it seems, can do that. So I agree with you 🙂 We didn’t introduce Santa to our son, too. It’s important to let our kids know the real reason for Christmas is Jesus 🙂
yes i agree with you Joy. we also don’t introduce santa in our home. he is not bad but somehow he is some kind of “agaw eksina” in Christmas wherein Jesus (should be) is the center of it all.
Hi Joy,
I also didn’t introduce santa to my 2 yr old son because i don’t want to lie to him abt santa which is not real. And beside, I want him to know that Jesus is the center during Christmas season.
i actually got “shot” by my colleagues a few months before regarding this. When they learned that I wasn’t planning to introduce Santa at all to my 2 year old daughter because I did not want anything to take the place of Jesus Christ , no matter how small or harmless that ‘thing’ might seem, I could almost hear them think “poor kid…she’s got a scrooge for a mom…” Same goes for the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and dressing up for Halloween. It’s tough but I know following Jesus with this kind of conviction will not be easy. =)
Well said Ms Joy! Will definitely share! Thank you and God bless you and your beautiful family!
brave post and truthfully so. well done.
i did chuckle reading this part : (Same letters in Santa also spell Satan?
I’ve always wondered about that coincidence!
Thank you for posting this! It made me realize I wouldn’t want my kids to believe in a lie. Happy new year to you and your family. 🙂
Hi joy, thank you for this…it’s so funny yesterday me and my husband are talking about this how we will introduce Santa Claus to our daughter later on and before reading this blog we agreed that we gonna tell her the truth because we don’t want her to feel bad and think her parents are liars. By the way I from CCF EW and sometimes we also attend service at CCF main. God bless you and your family! Thank you for inspiring me. 🙂
Hi joy, thank you for this…it’s so funny yesterday me and my husband are talking about this how we will introduce Santa Claus to our daughter later on and before reading this blog we agreed that we gonna tell her the truth because we don’t want her to feel bad and think her parents are liars. By the way I from CCF EW and sometimes we also attend service at CCF main. God bless you and your family! Thank you for inspiring me. 🙂
Nice to meet you, Mica. God bless you too! Glad you agree that telling kids that Santa is real is a lie.
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