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What is Teach with Joy?

I love homeschooling and I want parents to enjoy homeschooling!  “Enjoy homeschooling.” Is that an oxymoron? Can you actually enjoy being with your kids 24/7 and not lose your mind? I believe with God’s help, you and I can. Okay, 24/7 is an exaggeration. I get my breaks, too. 🙂

My experience with homeschooling is somewhat 360 degrees in nature. Once-upon-a-time I was homeschooled by my parents (back in the 80s). In my mid-twenties, I ran a homeschool program that was accredited with the Philippine Department of Education (NCR). And at present, my husband, Edric, and I are homeschooling our children, Elijah (8), Edan (5), Titus (3), and Tiana (16 months).

Although it is not always easy, it is certainly worthwhile. What I value most about this commitment is being with my kids, having quality time together every day, and knowing that they are learning what is really important.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of dialoguing with other parents about their own experiences as homeschoolers. I also get asked all kinds of questions about homeschooling by parents who are interested in the idea of it. One thing I’ve come to realize is that few people feel they can successfully teach their children. But at the same time, they like the ideals and benefits of homeschooling – the quality time together, the ability to choose the curriculum, the positive socialization, the “savings”, and the values they can pass on. There is also growing interest in homeschooling because many parents feel that traditional schools are getting too large, too “one-size-fits-all”, and too dangerous (morally speaking) for their kids.  Homeschooling may very well become the next revolution in education for the Philippines. And, while there are many sites about homeschooling in the U.S., I do feel that we need more how-to’s and information about homeschooling in the local context.

My purpose (by God’s grace) is to make this site a source of encouragement and practical help for parents who are considering homeschooling or are homeschooling. In other words…how to teach with joy (double meaning intended). While I have seen homeschooling from many angles, this site will probably be more helpful to parents with young children. This is the lifestage I am in now, but I also believe this is the best time to start homeschooling. I’m sure the site will evolve as my kids mature. I will reference the Bible when necessary because I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I believe that good homeschooling is a by-product of biblical parenting. And, I will refer to stories of other families, my own day to day adventures, and the experiences my siblings and I had when we were homeschooled.

I hope this site can come to mean something to you. Learn from my failures and triumphs and get ideas on how you can enjoy homeschooling your kids. If you aren’t into homeschooling, then see how you can be intentional about the activities and experiences you have with your child. Enjoy!

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71 thoughts on “What is Teach with Joy?

  1. Hi,

    We saw your coverage of last year, and thought you and your readers would be interested to hear that we’ve just released for iPad!

    Please let me know if you have any questions. The app can be found here:

    We’re also hosting a contest – anyone who tweets a doodle with the hashtag #SMWdoodle will be entered for the chance to win an iPad!


    1. Hi Joy,I loved reading your books , your website and watching your Mondates.Im a school head one of the school here in Philippines.You are such a big help help to everyone.

      God Bless,

  2. Wonderful that you homeschool your kids. Especially when they are young. I have 3 and I spent 10 years total homeschooling. Now that they are gone we have such a great relationship. So thankful. It was hard but well worth it.

    Liz Hagler

    1. Thanks Liz! I just read your comment. Homeschooling has been wonderful for our family but like you said, it is not easy. We take it one day at a time. 🙂 God is faithful!

  3. Hello Joy,

    Your website will serve as my reference for homeschooling my baby. She is just one year old but I guess we could start anytime with learning some words and numbers. Hope to meet you one day. Thank you so much for sharing!


    1. Hi Patricia! Homeschooling is a lifestyle of learning. So you can start with babies, too! Enjoy 🙂

    1. Hi Honney! Read your post and commented :). Great blog! May God guide you accordingly and give you peace when it is the right time to start homeschooling. 🙂

      1. Hello Joy,

        Thanks for the advice.

        Will I see you at the Philippine Homeschool Conference this May? I look forward to meeting homeschooling, blogger moms at the conference. 🙂

  4. A friend of mine referred me to your site. And it is just refreshing to find another believer who is into homeschooling. When my daughter was born, my husband and I have been considering homeschooling our child. But I have to admit that at age 3, I am doubting my capacities as her mom-teacher. Additionally, I have nothing but discouraging comments from people in our locality. Honestly, I am getting confused though my husband just keep encouraging me. We just don’t have somewhere we can hook up here in Bacolod for meet-ups and such. And the materials that we need, too. I will browse around your site for more information. 😀

    1. Hi Sigrid! I really feel that it gets easier as you teach your child. The beginning feels overwhelming but as you get to know their personality, bents, strengths and weaknesses, you become the best teacher for them. As for a support group, it doesn’t have to be with just homeschool moms. You can invite young families to hang out once a week and that can be your support group. They may end up homeschooling, too! We use the support group as socialization opportunities for our kids and hang out time for moms. 🙂 If you have any questions about homeschooling, let me know. Hope to be able to encourage and help you out.

  5. Hi Joy! I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time now and although I don’t homeschool my children, it has given me loads of ideas and inspiration. Living overseas where there’s no yaya or relatives, I sometimes feel overwhelmed. I admire you a lot having four kids and yet raising them up so well (I only have two!). I wish you can have an advice section :-). For instance, my sweet little boy (5 years of age) came home from school today saying a bad word that has never been uttered by mommy or daddy. How would you handle such a situation? He knew it was bad, but perhaps not just how bad…i was at a lost.

    1. You can share with him the verse about let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth. I don’t know what kind of a word it was that your son picked up, but we have told our kids that words that have to do with the toilet, private parts, and the like are not wholesome words. We also explained to them that there are words that they will hear from media or from others that are bad words. One of our kids said the “F” word because he had heard it somewhere. I was mortified. He didn’t know it was a bad word. We explained it to him in a very serious tone that it was very wrong to say it. Edric also explained what it meant (in kidspeak) so that he would understand why it was wrong to say it. It was very matter of fact. He got it and that was it. He did not say it again.

      No matter what we do, however, our kids are going to pick up things from the world. We just filter and correct as we go along. It’s usually very innocent when they pick up bad words and it is something that can be easily corrected. Of course, it is a challenge if they are around people that say those kinds of things, like classmates.

      At the end of the day, our kids have to remember that they represent Jesus. So even with the words they say, they need to be careful and glorify him. 🙂 I hope this helps somehow!

  6. Hi Joy, Thank God I came across your blog site link at HAPI website. I just learned about Homeschool from a friend mom, whom our kids are swimming mates. It has been 4 days to be exact that i’ve learned the many good things of homeschooling, though frankly i’d say that I’m still skeptical about it. I guess i need to be well-oriented about it. Actually when i heard this kind of style of education i started browsing the net for homeschool providers nearest to our place in Antipolo City which is affordable but has good program for a Grade 3 & 4 students. I really don’t know the whole thing about homeschool. I hope i can get some encouraging advise from an experienced Homeschooler Mom like you. God bless you more.

  7. Hello Ms. Joy! I’ve been browsing this site few months ago, and I find it very useful and encouraging.. I have been in homeschooling since 2009 started with my eldest daughter.. and last year with my youngest kid .. I would like you to suggest some affordable sites with membership for MATH and READING for level 4 and level 2 as well as SCIENCE experiments for kids.. I just find that the curriculum that we are currently using , needs a supplement material for this.. We are here in Oman and the library is very limited.. However, we can have time also to visit Ph on July so we can buy materials from there if ever..

    1. Hi Coraneth! I thought I responded to this earlier but maybe you didn’t get my reply. You can check out Time4learning. It’s an online program that is very well reviewed and easy to use. You can use it for your math, english and even science. 🙂 Hope this helps.

  8. Hi Ms. Joy! I just saw your reply today. Thanks for your helpful suggestion about Time4Learning.. Have a short tour and I hope our kids will like it very much.. Appreciate your help.. God bless you and your family.. You really encourage me.. Glory to God!
    Sincere thanks, from Cora Lim and Family.

  9. hi. would like to ask, can you accomodate my daughter, shes turning 15 by november. she doesnt like to go to school anymore.. but she likes to be homeschooled. let me know thanks.

  10. This is a wonderful blogsite, Joy. I hope you remember me. We sat together at one table during the Purity Ball in Cebu with the Melicor’s. It was truly a blessing to meet you and Edric.

    My reason for writing you is because another homeschool parent (who is from Cagayan De Oro) and I (I am from Bukidnon) have been talking about how the number of homeschoolers have increased here in Mindanao, and that we feel the need for us to have a forum of some kind for those who have signed up with TMA and for those who are interested in knowing about homeschooling.

    I manage a blog called which gets published in Facebook, and I have gotten a lot of queries about homeschooling. I also have friends in CCF Malaybalay and Valencia (many of whom have toddler kids) who have expressed the desire to homeschool their kids when they start going to school.

    We also feel that it is necessary for us here in Mindanao to know who are homeschool parents so we can form a group together to share ideas, forums, student presentations or recitals, or do brainstorming or problem-solving when there are any problems that parents encounter. It could also be a way for us to plan get-togethers like you do there in Manila. In fact, I have already taken the liberty of forming a group in Facebook called “TMA Homeschoolers in Mindanao.”

    Please let me know if this is feasible. Thank you for taking time to read this. God bless you and yours, and your ministry.


  11. Homeschooling is “teaching with joy.”. I have a 4th year HS son and a 3rd grade daughter. Hardships and difficulties come along the way, but the bottom is – our love and devotion for our children…

  12. Hi! I read your blog almost daily… Just had twins who are almost 4 months old. I’m thinking of homeschooling them up until they have to enter Grade 1. What is a good age to start having a teaching routine (since they can barely lift their heads off the bed yet 🙂 ) and are there any homeschooling materials/books for ages 0-3? Thanks!

    1. Hey Ross! Wow, twins! Thats great!!

      Routines can start early. Incorporate reading time by this age. Even if they dont seem like they are paying attention,they will benefit from hearing you read aloud. Sing songs to them. By the time they can sit up on their own, which is between six and eight months, you can introduce them to simple manipulatives. But don’t feel bad if they can’t do much 🙂 I would avoid tv time so they can develop a greater interest in books and creative play. Talk to them a lot and identify things around them so their vocabulary grows. These are simple activities you can do that will be like an introduction to homeschooling. Homeschooling is a way of life so seeing opportunities to teach your kids in everyday circumstances is the most natural way to start. 🙂

  13. Hi! Just read your blog:-D idon’t have kids and husband yet but i admire you and your dedication with what you do 🙂 Also, your relationship with God. Your family’s my ideal family. Hehe 🙂 btw, nice to see your husband on screen. Refreshing. 🙂 God bless and i hope to have the same kind of fam in the future.:-)

    1. Thanks Bhel. A lot of singles actually read this blog which is encouraging. Thanks for stopping by. We really are quite an imperfect family but by God’s grace, we do have a happy family. God bless you too and may God guide your future!

  14. Good day. I have a 2 yr old in about 6 months and would be staring to homeschool. Can I ask a favor and see how to go around with it?

  15. Are there homeschool materials available in Tagalog? In our neighborhood outreach there are several out of school kids who are so far behind that even the ALS program will not be enough for them to catch up. They need a daily program in their own language.

    Mike Tripp

    1. Hi Mike, There is a great website: which teaches reading from the very beginning. You can use the free trial period to see if it will work with the kids. You can use one laptop or PC and then let them take turns using the site. Another option is This one is free. It also teaches phonics and reading. I hope this helps. Since these programs are interactive, the kids will be very engaged. And they both start from the very beginning and get progressively harder. Maybe this can be a start, just to help them with literacy?

  16. Hi Ms.Joy,

    I was wondering if there is an email where I could contact you for some personal questions I have. Thank you 🙂

  17. hi joy! Just want to say i really enjoy and i am blessed reading your blogs 🙂
    anyway was going through things with my husband and we finally decided to homeschool our 3 year old daughter this coming 2013. been trying to contact tma but havent received any response. maybe you can help me out?how to reach them.:) thanks

    1. Hi Jemzie! Sorry about the difficulty of getting through to TMA. The first step is attending an orientation. Have you done that already? Facebook me at joytmendoza. I will get the schedules for you. Also, you can drop by their office from 9 to 4, tuesday to Friday (except holidays) and get forms to fill out. You can ask to meet Girlie Argosino who handles first-time parents. You can also try texting Shiena at 0917-584-8224. Perhaps she can just email you a copy of the pre-registration form. 🙂

      1. Hi Jemzie! next orientation of TMA homeschool is December 7, 2012 8:30 to 11:30 am, 2nd floor fun ranch, tiendesitas. I looked at the calendar and this is the last for the year in case you are interested. 🙂

        1. thank you soo much joy!i might be able to join next from iligan so its a little bit far.:) but hank you for your help 🙂 God bless. im so excited to start homeschool 🙂

  18. Hello Joy!

    I continue to find inspiration and encouragement from your blog. In fact, you inspired me to start my own! Our family will start homeschooling by next year. The blog will document how we go about training our children to become life-long learners and life-long feeders of God’s Word. My eldest son (age 4 1/2) has autism. I would also like to share how raising him has been a faith-stretching and God-exalting experience for our family. Hope you could visit. 🙂


    1. Hi Dyan! That’s awesome that you started your own blog. Will definitely check it out 🙂 Excited about your homeschooling, too 🙂

  19. Hi Joy,

    I enjoy reading your blog because you always mention God in your daily life activities. And I LOVE to talk about GOD in every area of my life and all the time.


  20. Hi Joy! My husband and I want homeschool our children, not only because it’s less expensive, but more of the teachable moments we will have with them since we’re not limited in the classroom. So since was born until today, we’ve been stimulating him with different activities. Usually my homeschooling resources would be from foreign websites and I’m glad I found yours. My friend, Riz (the one I write with), was the one who shared me your site.

    I want to affirm you and the calling God has given you. Many moms like me who are homeschooling (or considering it) are blessed through your posts. 🙂

  21. **Hi Joy! My husband and I want to homeschool our children too, not only because it’s less expensive, but more of the teachable moments we will have with them since we’re not limited in the classroom. So since our son was born until today, we’ve been stimulating him with different activities. Usually my homeschooling resources would be from foreign websites and I’m glad I found yours. My friend, Riz (the one I write with), was the one who shared me your site.

    I want to affirm you and the calling God has given you. Many moms like me who are homeschooling (or considering it) are blessed through your posts.

    1. Thanks Normi, I was encouraged by this comment. May God guide you and your husband as you decide on the best way to educate your son…hopefully, you will choose homeschooling 🙂 pray about it and let God give you the conviction and the commitment to do it:)

  22. Hi Joy! Been reading/following your blogs for quite some time now, I am deeply inspired of your entries… parenting, marriage, all of it actually. I once hear Edric speak in CCF Cebu about Homeschooling, i was a regular attendee, a year ago, we relocated to Butuan City and still praying for a CCF-Butuan as there is none yet. My kids ages 8, 9 & 11 are currently enrolled in one of the schools here adapting the School of Tomorrow Curriculum – Accelerated Christian Education. Our home is in the farm, an hour drive to the city, we are renting an apartment (which is rather costly), i am considering of homeschooling my kids this school year, i message TMA via facebook and got no reply yet. I would appreciate it very much if i’d be given some enlightenment on how to go about it. How to start, is there an orientation i can attend within Mindanao area?

    Thanks ahead … You are such a blessing to moms like me who are learning day by day, and to a growing Christian like me who is practically struggling to be a good witness to other people around me.

    God Bless you and your wonderful family …

  23. Hi Joy, just wanted to leave a message and say I’ve been a follower and a fan of your blog! I’m a full time stay-at-home mom of two boys ages 2 and 1, with no yaya and no helper (crazy, I know! God’s grace talaga haha) We attend VCF in Fort, and are really looking into homeschooling our eldest when he turns 3, and your blog (not just on homeschooling but on family life and marriage overall) has been an inspiration to us! It inspires me to maybe try to write a little more on my blog too haha! Thank you and God bless you and your beautiful family!

  24. I teach kids at our church here in Vigan City and would love to get more ideas how to do it with fun and not boring with kids ..ty

    1. Have lots of games! Kids love games. And mix it up with crafts and art, and even good DVDs on Bible stories and character lessons. Have rewards for Bible memorisation, and give them lots of hugs and big smiles! Affirm them a lot 🙂

  25. Hi Teacher Joy! I accidentally stumbled upon your post “Money Matters in Marriage” . It caught my interest and read it until your last words. Very inspiring! I didn’t know at the beginning that it was you, whom I have met at TMA for so many times back then since my daughter was a TMA student and graduate year of 2013. Until I saw your picture with Sir Edric:-) it was so nice to see the family picture which shows love and happiness. I really want to get to know u more cause you and Sir Edric never fail to inspire people like me. I wanted to tell more but maybe on the right time. Btw, Gianna, my daughter is now at Philippine School of Interior Design taking up BS in Interior Design and she’s doing absolutely good! I am so thankful that I chose TMA to be her secondary school! Thank you and I hope I could get in touch with you and Sir Edric! God Bless your family more!

  26. Hi Ms. Joy, Good day to you. I want to subscribe to your blogs since I look up to you as my role model. I am a wife but still no kid, my husband and I are happliy married for 2 years and for the past 2 years he is away to work in qatar as ofw. We really dont have the luxury of time to be togehter because of his work but we regualry talked thru skype but it is not enough. We are continuesly praying to God to guard our heart and relationship and bless us with more years together. I read your blogs and it is such a great relief and joy to get tips and Godly insights from you, I consider you as my role model and I will pray that God will continuesly belss you and your family and ministry. Thank you Ms. JOY.

  27. Good day ma’am joy,

    I am a mother of two boys, a 3 yr 7 mos and a 2 yr 2 mos. I want to start homeschooling with them the TMA way. I sent an email in info@tmahomeschool but i did not receive a reply. We are presidently residing in kuwait and i came to know about TMA homeschool thru a friend whose children are enrolled in TMA curriculum. In this regard, I would like to ask for your help as to how i can get in touch with TMA homeschool.
    Hoping for a favorable response. Thank you and God bless.


  28. i love to read your articles.. i could learn lot of important things about married & family life

  29. Hi Ms. Joy, I am Danica from riyadh saudi arabia.i have 2 first child was left with my sister in philippines..and the youngest a 3 year old boy is staying here with us in saudi,although I am working here as a nurse. and handling ministry with our church. As well as I am currently studying crash course in theology by God’s grace i will finish my course this november. Although my schedule is tight. Whenever I read your blog in your site. I remember that my first ministry is my family. With your insights I am encourage to do home schooling with my son.I hope you could give me some advice on how could i manage it.. and my resources here are short when it comes to christian books because the restriction we have here.. but i would love to have bible story book that me and my son can read.
    Thank you so much. hope to hear from you soon.Godbless

  30. Hi sis joy… its been awhile that I haven’t received your newsletters and I wonder why? Probably something went wrong though…anyways…I missed you coz I really learned a lot from you and would even share to my small are a blessing to me and i adore your family. Hope to be receiving your messages again soon.Gobless u and your family exceedingly.

  31. praise God for your servant’s heart! i continue to find your site a source of encouragement especially for those who are starting to have a family 🙂

  32. Hi Mommy Joy,

    I just learned about your site today and have been reading article since this morning. Its like reading a pocket book of stories with alot of informations I can relate too.

    Anyways, I decided to comment and ask for your advice regarding homeschool. I use to homeschool my son from 3-4yrs old, but because of my siblings and my husband’s input about homeschool we decided to put him in a traditional school. Unfortunately, for only the first month my son experienced being bullied, scolded by teacher because my son can speak well (he is speech delayed) and being hit. We had to pull him out and I again homeschooled him on our own. I hired a tutor to facilitate learning for him aside from me, since there are time I am so busy with homebase works.

    Next year, he should be in grade 1 and I want to formally homeschool him with a provider. The problem that we have is that I am undergraduate and my husband only had vocational course for college, we do not know where we can get our son enrolled for a homeschooling program regardless if it is from US or PH.

    Can you kindly recommend a homeschool provider that would provide curriculum and report card that will be acceptable here in PH schools Incase we decide to put him back in a traditional school? How can I get my som assess if he is at par with student in a traditional school here in PH? What is the name of your homeschool provider?



  33. Hi Joy,

    I want to try homeschooling for my incoming Grade 8 and Grade 11 kids. Is it okay if i ask for insights regarding 1st time high schoolers at homeschool? Is it advisable for their age to start homeschooling? Or is it too late already as they may not adjust to the system?

    I want to see them doing their studies at home. But i can’t commit so much of the time (5 hrs in a day) engaging in their online activities as they are in High Schools already. And i also lead a team of people that requires monitoring. 😊 I basically work from 10am to 4pm Mon-
    Fri 😊

    Your thoughts are highly appreciated.


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