On-line Assessment

If you are concerned about whether your child is learning what they need to learn for their age, or if you want a diagnostic to know what to teach them, visit this site http://www.letsgolearn.com/

It helped me assess my oldest son when he was going into grade 1. What I like about the assessment is that it begins at the easiest level and then works its way up so you get to see where your child is at versus whether they know the material for their specific level only. It is a well designed, interactive and intelligent test. When I say intelligent, this means that it will offer your child several options before it assumes that they know or don’t know the material and then  proceed to the next problem.

You will also be given a comprehensive report on what areas your child needs to pay more attention to and how you can help support them as they learn. I was pretty impressed with their report.

The other great thing is that you can re-take the test during the year so you can find out if they are improving as you teach them.

It may seem a little bit pricey, but it is worth it. And the more kids you sign up, the more reasonable it becomes. So gather a bunch of friends together and sign up together if that will help ease the burden.

I had my son take the Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment (DORA) and Diagnostic Online Math Assessment (DOMA). Even though I sat down beside him, I made sure that I didn’t “aid” his answers. This is an important factor. If you feel that you cannot control yourself, ask a friend or relative to be the one to sit beside your child so that the results will be objective and useful to you.

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