Thanks Joy! I love reading your blog! I just started almost this month.. Actually my sister led me to it, and my day isn’t complete without reading your articles, whether they be old or new ones. Take care and God bless!
These paintings are just impressive. Can you please point me to resources/books where they learned how to paint or if they enrolled to any Art classes. Thanks a lot Joy.
Hi Joy!
I just wanted to ask where can I buy that seahorse 3D art puzzle that you showed in your blog on March 9, 2012.
I have been thinking of ways to encourage my son to do some art especially 3D art. Would like to do this puzzle with him.
Thanks so much! God bless!
hi Rochelle! It is from Global Art. Someone gave it to me but maybe Global Art sells them, too:)
Thanks Joy!
I love reading your blog! I just started almost this month..
Actually my sister led me to it, and my day isn’t complete without reading your articles, whether they be old or new ones. Take care and God bless!

Praise God, Rochelle! And thank you for visiting
Please pray that God will give me continued inspiration to write 
These paintings are just impressive. Can you please point me to resources/books where they learned how to paint or if they enrolled to any Art classes. Thanks a lot Joy.