Good Reads for Homeschooling and Parenting

I was cleaning out my shelves when I realized, hey! I have quite a number of books I’ve read on homeschooling and parenting that may benefit others. And since parents often ask me what they should read or what resources can help them get started, I hope this answers that question. This is a growing list so I will just add as I finish a book.

Some of these books I skimmed through and others I really devoured. But they have all been such wonderful sources of information, inspiration, confidence and conviction-building for homeschooling moms like me. You don’t have to read everything on this list to start homeschooling. I know it probably looks a bit overwhelming and there is so much more out there that I have not included here. But if you click on the links, you may get a better idea of what appeals to you. Amazon always gives a pretty thorough description and has objective reviews on their books.

Recommendations (in no particular order):





4 thoughts on “Good Reads for Homeschooling and Parenting

  1. Hi Joy,

    Thanks for the book recommendations! 🙂 Hope you never get tired of sharing your thoughts on your blog. I always enjoy reading them. You empower us women to be better wives and mothers 🙂 God bless you and your family! 🙂


    1. You are welcome! God bless you, too! 🙂 Please pray that I don’t get tired and that I can write in such a way that God is central and gets the glory. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for these recommendations. It’s really important to invest in parenting books, and this list can help us build up our library at home. Great reads!

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