Set Them Up for Success

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Are you a parent wondering what is the best kind of education for your child where he will learn and be successful someday? Are you a parent interested in knowing more about homeschooling?

If the answer to any of the above questions is a resounding “Yes!” then don’t miss the upcoming 2015 Parents Conference of TMA Homeschool at the Bayanihan Center, Unilab on March 12.

This event, entitled “Set Them Up for Success”, is set to enlighten and inspire you  to raise your children to become happy, responsible, productive  adults and leaders “wherever they are planted”. The event will run for a whole day and will consist of keynote topics like “Set Them Up for Success” and “Catching your Child’s God-given Bents for Success”. Speakers will include Edric Mendoza of TMA Homeschool and ANC’s On the Money and Jayson Lo, author of Younique.

Aside from keynote talks, the conference will also feature the following workshops. You may choose one track each from workshops A & B.

Workshops (A)
Track 1: How to do a Character-focused Education Donna Simpao
Track 2: How to Do Multi-Level Homeschooling Milona Barraca
Track 3: How to Homeschool through High School Bles de Guzman
Workshops (B)
Track 4: How to Adjust Your Teaching Strategies for Effective Learning Joy Mendoza
Track 5: Hooray for Dads Who Homeschool Dennis Sy
Track 6: Q and A Forum

This conference is open to everyone. Register today! Free admission for TMA Homeschool Parents. Fee is P500/head for non-TMA-ers.

We gently encourage you to leave your children at home so that we can all focus on the conference. Should you decide to bring your children, there is a fee of P500.00 per child 2 to 16 years old. We will provide activities for children in the preschool to elementary ages but our children’s room is limited to 20. Older teens will stay with their parents in the conference halls.

Breastfeeding moms can bring their babies along but yayas will also be charged P500.00.

For more information, contact Alyssa Chua via landline (234-0432 loc. 114), mobile (0917-8491409), or e-mail (


Event Location

Venue:   Bayanihan Center

Venue Phone: (02) 858-1979, (02) 858-1985 to 86

Address: 8008 Pioneer St., Kapitolyo, Pasig City




5 thoughts on “Set Them Up for Success

  1. Hi Joy!
    This is great! But will there be any scheduled training on April or May? We really want to join. However our vacation there in the Philippines will be on April till May.
    Hope to attend any training soon.

    Thank you and God bless.

  2. Oh I got so excited when I saw this post, but… I wish I could simply take time off anytime I want. I really pray there’d be an event like this on the weekends so more working moms (and dads) like me could attend. I really need assistance how to start with my 3-year old son…if I’ll homeschool or not. When and how…

  3. Oh I got so excited when I saw this post, but… I wish I could simply take time off anytime I want. I really pray there’d be an event like this on the weekends so more working moms (and dads) like me could attend. I really need assistance how to start with my 3-year old son…if I’ll homeschool or not. When and how…
    Thanks Joy for this post!

  4. Is there an online live streaming for parents like us that wanted to attend but living abroad? Thank you.

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