When My Kids Don’t Obey
I’m happy to be able to say that my kids, more often than not, obey Edric and me. However, there are occasions when they don’t….
I’m happy to be able to say that my kids, more often than not, obey Edric and me. However, there are occasions when they don’t….
As our children move up in their ages, training them in obedience doesn’t stop. Disciplining for disobedience, however, may evolve into different forms. When our…
Over the past two weeks, we have temporarily adopted my siblings’ children. My brother lost his brother in law to a tragic accident so he…
What a sad morning. Beedie, one of Edan’s cockatiels, died at about 10 AM. We were all pretty devastated. But Edan was especially despondent. When…
Titus, my third son, was reacting to having to eat Adobo for lunch a few days ago. It was reported to me that he had…
My fourth child is Tiana. She is a charming 3 year old and she knows it. Tiana will flutter her eyelashes, twinkle those big brown…
While watching a humorous video of my nephew, Kaden, doing his rendition of Gru’s minions, I had a moment’s epiphany about a wife’s unique capacity…
Just when I think I have gotten submission to Edric, I end up making some sort of silly compromise in this area that gets me…
From time to time parents ask me how to discipline a child who is misbehaving. They want to know if spanking is the solution. Some…
During lunch, our boys had an “incident.” After Edric and I had excused ourselves from the table, we left the two younger boys to finish…
Titus, who has a special attachment to marbles, wanted to bring some from our house to my parents’ place. When he asked me if he…
On our way to church to help out with relief efforts for flood victims, I asked my husband, Edric, if we could buy canned goods…