Don’t Stop Praying for Your Husband
Whenever Edric slumps into a disheartened state due to stress, work challenges, or emotional and spiritual struggles, there’s a correlation to my lack of praying…
Whenever Edric slumps into a disheartened state due to stress, work challenges, or emotional and spiritual struggles, there’s a correlation to my lack of praying…
For the longest time I took it for granted that Edric and I had healthy intimacy. I always felt like we were an affectionate, PDA…
Early Monday morning, at about 3 A.M., I woke up to escalating stomach pain. Edric wanted to rule out appendicitis, so he insisted on taking…
After a hectic and action-packed two months, I crashed, emotionally and spiritually. All the speaking engagements, events, projects, ministry activities, and social gatherings ate into…
For the last few months, Edric and I have been on this romantic high. It’s been amazing to cross the 15 year marriage mark and…
My struggle with pride is so often tested in the context of marriage. It is most apparent when I have to apologize to Edric, too….
My husband, Edric, and I invite our children to correct us and tell us how to improve. We don’t always recognize character areas where…
With a new morning show on television (Mornings at ANC), Edric’s schedule has been more hectic than usual. He’s been very good about managing his…
Sometimes managing household help and a driver is stressful for me when their inter-personal relationships get complicated. When unsettled issues linger, their work and the…
It’s high time I wrote an entry about how wonderfully Spirit-filled my husband, Edric, has been as of late. Sometimes my posts about our marriage…
A few days ago I received an email with just one question on it. “How can I forgive?” It was a great question to be asked…
Edric got me to run in a 21K “fun” run yesterday. I know there may be readers out there who have done real marathons and…