Month: November 2013
You Have to Let Him Be the Man
Edan, our second, is 7. So he has a number of baby teeth on their way out. I pulled one a few weeks ago. Edric…
How to Attract the Right Kind of Man
Once again, to my single readers, here is the the post I promised. After writing “What To Look For In A Man,” this is the…
Do Not Aim For External Obedience
My fourth child is Tiana. She is a charming 3 year old and she knows it. Tiana will flutter her eyelashes, twinkle those big brown…
Sweet Randomness Part III
TIANA AND HER INTERESTING USE OF WORDS: My 3 year old Tiana is a chatter box. But sometimes she thinks she knows the right word…
Counterflow! (Updated Details)
Don’t miss this event. Attending a parenting seminar like this immensely helped Edric and I become better parents. We learned valuable principles that we have…
The Greater Tragedy
Almost everyday, I watch the early morning news on the aftermath of Hurricane Haiyan (Yolanda to us). In fact, I feel guilty as I sit…
Teaching A Toddler
Alot of eager-to-teach-moms ask me what I do with my 3 year old daughter, Tiana, so they can get ideas. Honestly, I don’t spend too…
Christmas Trees and Homeschooling
We took a break from our usual 9 am to 12 pm homeschooling in our study room to visit my pregnant sister, Carolyn. She wanted…
What To Look For In A Man
Edric is and always will be the love of my life. The other morning, I snuggled up to him in bed. He doesn’t like to…
First “Work” Shoes
My 10 year old, Elijah, is now “working.” Edric is paying him to speak with him whenever he gives financial seminars or talks. It’s part…
Online Book Rental Club
Homeschoolers do some pretty amazing things. I just came across three this past week who introduced me to their site, Ryan, Christian and Ian are…