Category: Father

On My Dad’s Birthday
I didn’t get to honor my father on his birthday because I was a zombie the day after I gave birth. He celebrated his birthday…
A Simple Family Habit That Can Make a Big Difference
Growing up, it was part of my family’s culture to ask, “How can I improve?” to one another. My parents encouraged open communication and honesty….
Here Comes the Knight
After a hectic and action-packed two months, I crashed, emotionally and spiritually. All the speaking engagements, events, projects, ministry activities, and social gatherings ate into…
The Real Father of Father’s Day
The only thing Edric wanted for Father’s Day was to have our family values printed and mounted on our walls. This should have happened two…
Lessons From Climbing the Tallest Mountain in the Philippines
Entry by my son, Elijah Mendoza. My dad had been planning a rite of passage for me for a long time. He said we would…
A Father’s Letter to His 13 Year Old Son
Since Elijah officially turned 13 today, Edric gave me permission to share this with you all…a letter which he wrote to him to read at…
Peanuts and an Apology
My husband, Edric, and I invite our children to correct us and tell us how to improve. We don’t always recognize character areas where…

We Need You, Hon
With a new morning show on television (Mornings at ANC), Edric’s schedule has been more hectic than usual. He’s been very good about managing his…
A Father’s Example of Humility
My sister, Candy, struck up a conversation with me about how our parents are crazy busy. She explained that in Sacramento, when mom and dad…
Validating Your Husband’s Leadership
I have been too exhausted in the past two weeks to write anything substantial. First came the Philippine Homeschool Conference and then Counterflow 2015 which…

The Guardians
I was late to pick up Tiana from her ballet class but Elijah, my eldest, came to her rescue. We intersected paths as I walked…