Category: Health
He Has Led Me Through the Darkest and Brightest of Days
On December 1, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl whom we named Caylee Elizabeth. She was our sixth child, quite a miracle really,…

In His Desert
At 10 AM I go into surgery for the 13 cm cyst that has been causing me lots of issues during my postpartum recovery. We…

I Will Worship in My Pain
I am so used to being someone who is healthy and well, rarely sick with a cough, cold, or the flu. Yet in the last…
Simple Home Remedies
Edric’s been taking the kids outdoors a lot, and yesterday wasn’t an exception. However, Tiana fell on her face and shoulder while running down one…
One of the Most Economical and Fun Ways to Bond Together as a Family
Biking. Something our kids have really gotten into since the rainy July, August, and September months have passed. Even our little Catalina has pushed…

A Healthier, Happier Christmas
Healthy Options is my go-to place for products like shampoo and conditioner, Edric’s protein bars, supplements for the family, and gluten-free foods that I can’t…

Home-Grown Food
One of the things Edric and I wanted to be able to do when we moved into our house was to have a garden with…

Putting Weight on My Kids
My kids are all on the slim side. Growing up, Edric and I were thin, too. I did have a tummy, but I had stick…
“Sitting is the New Smoking”
According to Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic, sitting is killing us. Most people who sit in front of desks or who lounge on…